2020-2021 Academic Catalog

Educational Facilities

Biology Labs

The biology program (second, third and fourth floors of Simperman Hall) has eight laboratories for instructional courses and student research. The department also maintains a greenhouse, a cadaver lab, an animal room, a cell culture lab and a molecular biology lab. Equipment includes fluorescence and differential interference contrast microscopes, an ultracentrifuge, computer-assisted data acquisition systems, electrophoresis equipment, and two PCR thermocyclers.

Chemistry Labs

The chemistry department has recent upgrades to its facilities which incorporate modern safety, accessibility, and technology as well as a newly refurbished lab for upper-division lab work and student research. This lab contains a new 400 MHz Bruker FT-NMR. Other departmental holdings include UV-vis, FTIR, ICP-AES spectrometers, HPLC and GC-MS chromatographs, and various electrochemical, electrophoretic, and synthetic equipment.

Civil Engineering Lab

The Civil Engineering Building is a 4,290 square-foot facility that includes a 2,000 square-foot, high-bay laboratory on the lower level and a 32-seat classroom and two faculty offices on the upper level. The laboratory has modern equipment and instrumentation for soils testing, construction materials testing, water treatment, as well as for fluid mechanics and hydraulics experiments. The building has wireless network access throughout and five student computer stations that have Microsoft Office and the specialized software (AutoCAD, Matlab, Visual Analysis, WaterCAD, etc.) used by engineering students for courses and projects. There is a work area with a desk and telephone for the lab supervisor.

Education Lab

The Department of Education maintains an Educational Resource Laboratory for students majoring in elementary and secondary education. In addition to a wide selection of children’s textbooks, teacher’s manuals and curriculum guides, the laboratory serves as a center for the construction of classroom-related materials and as a depository of audio-visual resources. The pre-service teacher is encouraged to use the varied resources of this center.

Learning Research Laboratory

Carroll’s Psychology Department maintains a six-station learning research laboratory, adaptable for either human or animal research, an observation facility and a wide range of testing materials to serve students and faculty.

Library and Learning Commons

Library website: https://www.carroll.edu/academics/library

The Corette Library facilitates student and faculty class and research success by providing access to specialized information resources and robust librarian-led research support.  The Simperman Learning Commons serves as a collaborative, student-centered destination offering a network of peer-to-peer tutoring services, foundational and emerging technologies, and the professional expertise needed for success across all disciplines.

Together, Corette Library and Simperman Learning Commons are the intellectual hub of the College: an interdisciplinary organization that actively engages students, faculty, staff, and partners to collaborate, explore, experiment and grow as researchers, creators, scholars, and informed citizens. The Library and Learning Commons are part of the same building, located on the north side of campus in between the Chapel and the Football field. 

Corette Library is designed to help students with their information and research needs: library student workers, library staff and librarians are always available to assist you through phone, live chat, email, web/video conferencing and/or in-person support. Our contact information can be found on our website here: https://www.carroll.edu/library/ask.

Library services offered to students include:

  • one-on-one research and reference help,
  • bibliographic instruction including assistance using the bibliographic data and research management tool Zotero,
  • interlibrary loans,
  • access to course reserves,
  • and more!

Corette Library’s collection includes physical and electronic journals and books, films (DVDs and streaming using Academic Video Online), whiteboard marker kits and limited in-house use technology (iPads, battery packs, etc.). Electronic library resources are available 24/7/365 both on- and off-campus to students, faculty and staff from the library website. To provide additional access to resources for faculty and students, the Library maintains memberships to the following organizations: Treasure State Academic Information & Library Services (TRAILS), ELUNA, LYRASIS, and Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). Through the TRAILS membership, the Library shares an online catalog, which provides quick and easy access to materials in 24 academic and tribal libraries in the State of Montana, including University of Montana Missoula and MSU Libraries located in Billings, Bozeman, Havre, and Great Falls. 

The Library and Learning Commons offer a variety of study areas and work spaces for group and individual use: including 10 private study rooms (majority on the lower level), a quiet study area and makerspace on our lower level, two computer labs on the main floor, 3 standalone desktop computers, mobile furniture on our lower level, and mobile whiteboards located on both floors. The Learning Commons' Writing Center and Communications Center are both located on the lower level, along with the Green Screen & Lightboard Studio. Students can access the Communication Center and Green Screen & Lightboard Studio by getting a free training through Academic Technology; they are located on the main floor of the library, in the northwest corner of the building. A color printer/copier/scanner is also available for use on the main floor across from the front desk.

The Library has a physical archive and special collection, as well as a digital repository; the repository, called Carroll Scholars (accessible at https://scholars.carroll.edu/), provides global access and visibility to undergraduate student research and digitized Carroll College historical materials. Find out more about both on the library website. 

Library Hours

During fall semester, the library is open to students, faculty and staff:

Monday - Thursday 7:45 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM

For Spring semester hours, specific holiday hours, hours over break periods (Winter/Summer) or changes in hours, check the Corette Library website's Hour page (https://www.carroll.edu/hours/library) or call our main line (406) 447-4340.

Nursing Labs

The fourth floor of Simperman Hall houses the nursing program and its newly renovated lab facilities. There are labs dedicated to the learning and practice of basic nursing skills, assessment, and acute care. These labs feature an array of resources including a state-of-the-art SimMan and SimBaby, as well as a variety of other practice mannequins, providing simulation-based education to challenge and test students’ clinical and decision-making skills as they deal with a wide range of real-life illnesses and injuries. The fourth and newest lab is dedicated to the learning and practice of holistic and complementary health therapies, for self-care and enhancing the wellness of others.