2021-2022 Academic Catalog

Requirements For Graduation

A degree-seeking student enrolled at Carroll College may pursue either a four-year program leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree or a one-year program leading to the Master of Accountancy degree. For more information about baccalaureate requirements, please visit the Degree Requirements section of this catalog; details about graduate level programs and requirements are found in the Graduate Programs Bulletin section of this catalog.

Students are expected to satisfy the graduation requirements in effect the year of initial enrollment as degree candidates at the College providing they can complete requirements within a continuous six-year period. If graduation requirements change after that date, students have the option of petitioning to satisfying either the requirements in effect at the time of initial enrollment or the requirements of a subsequent catalog. Generally, if a student interrupts attendance, s/he must graduate under the requirements in effect at the time of re-admission; however, a student who takes a one- or two-semester break from the College and leaves in academic good standing may be eligible to return under her or his original catalog year, providing s/he can complete the requirements within six years of initial enrollment. Determination of appropriate catalog years is made by the Registrar. 

Any Carroll course for which college-level credit (course numbers 100–499) is given may be applied toward the total credits needed for graduation, except physical education activity courses (LAS 102) and certain Military Science (MSL) courses; in the case of LAS 102 physical activity courses, only two (2) credits apply toward the total number of credits needed for graduation. A minor is not required for graduation, except for candidates who graduate under certain teacher education options.

Carroll College Core Curriculum

Carroll is a Catholic, liberal arts college. In order to ensure that each student shares in the wisdom that goes to make up the foundation of such a school, the College requires all students to participate in a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. This range includes those disciplines which help develop the contemporary, enlightened mind, namely, the humanities and fine arts, the social and natural sciences, and the reflective disciplines of philosophy and theology.

The Carroll College Core Curriculum is required of all students receiving the bachelor's degree. A person who holds a baccalaureate degree from another regionally accredited institution may pursue a second major or degree at Carroll College as a post-baccalaureate student. We also encourage transfer* students who have earned an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree to continue their studies toward a four-year degree at Carroll. For students who have earned a bachelor’s degree or an academic associate's degree from a regionally accredited institution prior to enrolling at Carroll, the Core requirements are adjusted as described in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog. Effective Fall 2017, Core requirements cannot be fulfilled through elected pass/fail grading.

*The Core Curriculum policy for transfer students does not apply to students who matriculate to Carroll as first-year students (who earned their AA or AS degree via dual-enrollment) or re-admit students. For these students, a course-by-course evaluation will be used to determine which Core courses have been met with transfer credits.

Residence Requirements

Of the final 45 credit hours earned toward the degree a minimum of 30 credit hours must be earned at Carroll College with at least one-half of the credits required in the major and minor taken at Carroll.

The Major

All students must elect a standard major or develop a self-designed major. Ordinarily, students decide on a major by the end of the sophomore year.

At least half of the credits required in the major field for the bachelor’s degree must be taken at Carroll College. Exceptions require the approval of the major department chairperson and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Students are not automatically accepted into all major programs of the College. A number of departments require that certain standards be met and that a formal application be filed. See specific requirements as listed in the academic programs of this catalog. To qualify for acceptance into the major department, the student must meet college standards as outlined in this catalog.

The Minor

A specific minor is not required for graduation except in those cases where a student wishes to graduate under certain teacher education options. Any student may obtain a minor by fulfilling the departmental requirements for the minor as set forth in this catalog. At least one-half of the credits required for a minor must be taken at Carroll College.

Comprehensive Examinations

Each candidate for the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree must satisfactorily complete the written and/or oral comprehensive examination if required by the major department.

Application for Degree

Application for a degree must be made at the Office of the Registrar within the period indicated in the college calendar. Students should work closely with their academic advisor on course selection to ensure that all requirements for graduation are met; however, each student retains ultimate responsibility for completing all requirements for graduation.


Graduating students are expected to be present at Commencement exercises. Students whose graduation applications have been approved for the Fall, Spring, or Summer term of the current academic year are eligible to participate in the annual Commencement ceremony in May. In addition, undergraduate students who are on track to complete a minimum of 100 credits by the end of the Spring semester and complete all of their degree requirements by the end of the following Fall semester may also participate in the prior May ceremony; these students must have a clear plan for graduation that is approved by their advisor and the registrar.