2021-2022 Academic Catalog

Measurement Standards of SAP

Qualitative Measurement

A student must possess a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. Students accepted into the Nursing Program must possess a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher.  Students in the Masters of Accountancy and Masters of Social Work program must possess a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.

A student must meet the above qualitative standard in addition to the quantitative standards discussed below.  

Quantitative Measurement

Students must pass 67% of the cumulative credits attempted at Carroll College in their degree level. Attempted credits will be based on a student’s credit load at the end of the add/drop period for each term.

Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement Explanations

Audit and non-credit remedial work are not considered in the measurement of SAP. Remedial and repeated course work for which a student received credit multiple times is treated as any other course work. If repeating a course, the most recent grade shall be the one counted in computing GPA. The credit hours for a repeated course will be counted only once as completed but both count toward attempted. Incomplete and pass/fail classes are considered as credits attempted when considering maximum time frames. Incomplete courses are considered failed for GPA until completion of the course. Transfer credits are considered when determining maximum time frames but not GPA. If a student withdrew from a class or classes, the student is considered to have attempted those classes, even though the student did not receive any earned credits from registering for the classes. Withdrawal from classes has a negative impact on SAP measurement. Students with multiple majors or who change majors must adhere to the same qualitative and quantitative measures (measures do not expand or restart). Post Baccalaureate or second degree students are limited to 243 cumulative credits attempted and only credits toward the new degree will count toward GPA.