2021-2022 Academic Catalog

Middle School Area of Concentration

Students with secondary or elementary teaching majors desiring to teach at the middle school level (grades five through eight) should add this emphasis to their academic preparation. This emphasis prepares the prospective teacher for the unique nature of the middle school child and program.

In addition to the Professional Education Requirements for elementary or secondary education, the following course work is required:

ED 350Middle School Teaching



PSY 203Developmental Psychology



PSY 227Child & Adolescent Psychology


Students must also take appropriate elementary and secondary methods courses for the teaching major/minor (secondary students) or an area of academic emphasis (elementary) and complete student teaching at the middle school level.

Areas of academic emphasis (elementary) include mathematics, science, language arts (English), and social science. To obtain the Middle School area of concentration, elementary teaching majors must take a minimum of 12 semester hours of course work in addition to their elementary major requirements in an area of academic emphasis. The area of academic emphasis and course work must be mutually agreed upon by the student and his/her academic advisor from the Department of Education.