2021-2022 Student Handbook

Notice of Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

The Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended (HEA) suspends aid eligibility for students who have been convicted under federal or state law of the sale or possession of drugs, if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work-study). This notice is posted on the Student Financial Aid Award Steps pages which are available online at: https://www.carroll.edu/financial-aid-award-steps/step-1-new-student-financial-aid-info (New Students), and https://www.carroll.edu/financial-aid-award- steps/step-1-current-student-financial-aid-information (Current Students). The notice is included in the Student Handbook which is distributed electronically, annually to each enrolled student. The Student Handbook is available online at: https://www.carroll.edu/students/student-handbook. Hard copies of the Student Handbook may be available upon request from the Office of Student Life.