2022-2023 Academic Catalog


History of Carroll College

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bishop John Patrick Carroll, second Bishop of the Diocese of Helena, had a dream to build a Catholic college in western Montana. In 1909, that dream became reality when William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States, helped lay the cornerstone of St. Charles Hall.

In September 1910, Mount Saint Charles College opened its doors for classes, and the first college student graduated in 1916. In 1932, the school’s name was changed to Carroll College in honor of its founder. Since then, Carroll has progressively expanded its programs, facilities, and reputation for academic excellence. Carroll remains committed to a value-oriented education, one that prepares students for careers while providing for the intellectual, spiritual, imaginative, moral, personal and social development of each individual.


Carroll College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, an institutional accreditation body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and/or the Secretary of the Department of Education. The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities is located at: 8060 165th Avenue NE, Suite 100, Redmond, Washington 98052-3981.

Carroll College is authorized to offer post-secondary degree programs in the State of Montana as required by the Montana Code Annotated and the Board of Regents Policy effective August 13, 2014. Carroll College has been approved for participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) which provides a streamlined, reciprocity based process for participating post-secondary institutions to gain approval to offer interstate distance education in SARA member states. More information about the Montana post-secondary educational institution complaint process can be found online at https://mus.edu/MUS-Statement-of-Complaint-Process.asp.

The Civil Engineering and Engineering Science programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. On February 22, 2019, the Carroll College Board of Trustees, through a campus-wide program prioritization process, discontinued the Engineering Science program. Effective Fall 2019, new students will not be admitted to the program. Current Engineering Science students will be taught to graduation with an accredited degree.

Carroll’s Teacher Education Program is approved for licensure purposes by the State of Montana Board of Public Education.

The baccalaureate degree in nursing at Carroll College is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). The program is also approved by the Montana State Board of Nursing.

The Business Department has a specialized accreditation through the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) (https://iacbe.org).

Students who would like to obtain or review documentation of Carroll’s accreditation may contact the office of academic affairs or the appropriate academic department.

Carroll College Mission Statement

Founded in 1909 by Bishop John Carroll, Carroll College is a Catholic, diocesan, liberal arts college in the ecumenical tradition of the Second Vatican Council. It advances its mission by fulfilling the following objectives.

Instilling an enduring wonder for knowledge that will prepare students for leadership and their chosen vocations

As a liberal arts school, Carroll College acknowledges the practical role of preparing its students for a career, but it also affirms the traditional role of providing for the expansion of the intellectual, imaginative, and social awareness of its students. It is dedicated to providing for its students the means for their full realization of a dual goal of vocation and enlightenment. Thus, while providing substantial professional and pre-professional programs, the College encourages and expects all students to participate in a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.

Offering an integrative and value-centered education rooted in freedom of inquiry

As an academic community, Carroll College affirms its commitment to the principle of freedom of inquiry in the process of investigating, understanding, critically reflecting upon, and finally judging reality and truth in all fields of human knowledge. As value-oriented, Carroll College is committed to and deeply involved in the further dimension of free deliberation and decision-making regarding values and personal commitment. Each student at Carroll, through personal and institutional means, is exposed to value systems with which one can readily identify, including secular values such as the worth of work and the use of the intellect, humanistic values centering on the uniqueness and dignity of the person, and religious and moral values concerned with one’s relationship to God, self, and others.

Engaging faithfully the intellectual tradition and the teachings of the Catholic Church

As a Catholic college, Carroll is obligated to treat judgments concerning ultimate reality and decisions concerning ultimate value at both an academic and a pastoral level. This obligation involves the College’s relationship to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, defined as “the perennial, authentic, and infallible teaching office committed to the Apostles by Christ and now possessed and exercised by their legitimate successors, the college of bishops in union with the pope.” Carroll College is committed to present faithfully within its curriculum the magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church. At the same time, it acknowledges the special role of the theologian, who—although not a part of the authoritative teaching body of the Church—makes available to the Magisterium his or her scientific competence, while acting as a mediator between religion and culture by carrying on an academic dialogue with philosophy, science, the liberal arts, the believing community, and secular society.

Serving all with humility, especially our neighbors who are poor and marginalized

As a college founded by and related to the Diocese of Helena, Carroll has a special obligation to provide for the spiritual needs of the college community. At the same time, the resources of the College’s Theology Department and campus ministry organization are available for the special religious needs of the diocesan community as a whole. Moreover, Carroll College rededicates its spiritual, academic, and social resources to the service of the citizens of Montana, its home, and to the worldwide human family through continuing efforts to guarantee to individuals, to groups, and especially to the marginalized the right to life, to personal and social dignity, and to equality of opportunity in all aspects of human activity.

Welcoming all persons of good will in a cooperative journey toward truth and virtue

In the ecumenical tradition of the Second Vatican Council, Carroll College is committed to a policy of open participation by members of all religious faiths and all persons of good will in the total academic and spiritual experience of the college community. While standing fast by the teaching of the Catholic Church, and avoiding a false conciliatory approach foreign to the true spirit of ecumenism, Carroll College welcomes in love and respect the full participation of other Christians and non-Christians in an ecumenical dialogue and in a truly humble and charitable joint venture in the common search for the Ultimate Truth and the Ultimate Good which is the final goal of all education.

Officially adopted by the Carroll College Board of Trustees May 26, 1978

New format officially adopted by the Carroll College Board of Trustees November 7, 2014

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Carroll College prohibits unlawful discrimination in employment and all education programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, religion, or sex.  In the case of religion and creed, distinctions may be appropriate under state and federal constitutional provisions due to the religious character and Catholic identity of Carroll College and the nature of the particular employment position at issue.

Carroll College admits students of any race, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, religion, or sex to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of student admissions, recruitment, academic programs, research, occupational training, housing, counseling, financial aid, physical education, athletics, recreation, transportation, other extracurricular, or other postsecondary education aid, benefits, or services to which section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies.

Carroll College is also committed to compliance with state and federal anti-discrimination laws applicable to educational institutions. Carroll College will not exclude, expel, limit, or otherwise discriminate against an individual seeking admission as a student or an individual enrolled as a student in the terms, conditions, or privileges of Carroll College because of race, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, religion, or sex. 

In addition, Carroll College complies with the 2020 U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Title IX Regulations, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational programs or activities by recipients of federal financial assistance, including Carroll College. Inquiries concerning Title IX may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator(s) or to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights.

Carroll College’s Title IX Coordinators are:

Annette Walstad, Dean of Students
Borromeo Hall


Karla Smith, Director of Human Resources
O’Connell Hall


Photograph, Video and Audio Recordings of Students

Carroll College and its representatives will take photographs, videos and audio recordings of campus life and activities—including athletic events, classroom teaching, extracurricular activities and students in public or common areas—for use and publication in print, on television and radio, and in electronic and online media such as the college’s website, YouTube and other social media channels, and podcasts. If you object to your image or voice being used by the College, provide advance notice to any photographer, videographer or audiotape technician that you withhold your consent. Anyone who does not provide such notice as stated above is deemed to have consented to their images and audio recordings released for the stated purposes.

Catalog Disclaimer

This Carroll College catalog is a document of record issued in 2022 for one year. This catalog contains current information regarding admission, degree requirements, academic policies, course offerings, and fees. It is not intended to be and should not be relied upon as a statement for the College’s contractual undertakings. Carroll College reserves the right to modify academic policies, course content, degree requirements, or fees whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable; in any such case, notice thereof will be given as is reasonably practical under the circumstances.

2022-2023 Academic Calendar

The dates included below are accurate as of the publication of the Catalog in August 2022. The official academic calendar for the 2022-2023 school year can be found online at https://www.carroll.edu/academics/academic-calendar.

Fall 2022

August 12 Friday  Undergrad and Grad Sessions 3W-4, 6W-2, and 12W courses end
  17 Wednesday Final summer grades due from faculty
  21  Sunday New Student Orientation Begins 
  24 Wednesday Fall 2022 classes begin
  31 Wednesday Last day to add or drop a course without a "W" on transcript, or select audit status; last day of 100% tuition refund period
September 05  Monday  Labor Day
  07 Wednesday Census day snapshot
  08  Thursday Last day of 75% tuition refund period
  15 Thursday Last day of 50% tuition refund period
  16 Friday Last day to designate a course as pass/fail grading
  18 Sunday Mass of the Holy Spirit - Cathedral of St. Helena
  23 to 25 Fri to Sun Homecoming and Family Weekend
 October 03 Monday Graduation Applications due
  13 Thursday 8W-1 Session courses end
  14 to 18  Fri to Tues Fall Break
  19 Wednesday Full Semester courses resume
  20 Thursday Mid-semester grades due from faculty
  21 Friday Advising for spring semester begins
  31 Monday  Registration period for spring classes begins
November 01 to 03  Tues to Thurs Registration period for spring classes continues
  04 Friday Founder's Day celebration
  17 Thursday Last day to withdraw from a class with a "W"
  23 to 25 Wed to Fri Thanksgiving Break
  28 Monday Classes resume
December  01 Thursday Graduation Applications due
  09 Friday Last day of classes
  12 to 15 Mon to Thurs Final examinations
  15 Thursday 8W-2 Session courses end
  16 Friday Campus housing closes
  20 Tuesday Final fall grades due from faculty
  26 Monday Winter Intersession courses begin
 Fall 2022
 official term dates:  Fall term dates: 8/24/22 to 12/15/22
# Days # Class Days & Instructional Weeks
Monday 13 + final 71 instructional days total
Tuesday 14 + final
MWF: 42 class days; MW: 28 class days; TTh: 29 class days
Wednesday 15 + final 16 instructional weeks
Thursday 15 + final 17 calendar weeks
14 + final      1 finals week with 4 days
 Winter Intersession:  dates: 12/26/22 to 1/13/23
 Winter Session: 15 instructional days, 3 calendar weeks
 Term & Winter intersession together: 19 instructional weeks, 21 calendar weeks

Spring 2022


13 Friday Winter Intersession courses end
  15 to 16 Sun to Mon Campus housing opens
  16 Monday Martin Luther King Day
  18 Wednesday Full Semester courses begin
  25  Wednesday Last day to add or drop a course without a "W" on transcript  
  31  Tuesday  Census day snapshot
February  01 Wednesday  Last day of 75% tuition refund period
  03  Friday Last day to designate a course as pass/fail grading
  08 Wednesday Last day of 50% tuition refund period
  09  Thursday  0% refund period begins
March  10
Friday 8W-3 Sessions courses end
  13 to 17  Mon to Fri Spring Break
  20 Monday Full Semester courses resume
  21 Tuesday Mid-semester grades due from faculty
  22 Wednesday Advising for fall semester begins
April   03 to 06 Mon to Thurs Selection of fall classes
  07 Friday Good Friday
  09 Sunday Easter Sunday
  10 Monday Easter Monday
  11 Tuesday Classes resume (MWThF)
  13 Thursday Last day to withdraw from a class with a "W"
  28 Friday Student Undergraduate Research Festival (SURF)
May 01 Monday Final senior theses due
  05 Friday Last day of classes
  08 to 11 Mon to Thurs Final examinations
  11 Thursday 8W-4 Session courses end
  12 Friday Campus housing closes for non-graduates
  13 Saturday Baccalaureate & Commencement
  14 Sunday Campus housing closes for graduates
  17 Wednesday Final day to drop Undergrad Session 3W-1, 6W-1, and 12W courses
  18 Thursday Final spring grades due from faculty
Spring 2022
Official term dates: 1/18/23 – 5/11/23
# Days # Class Days & Instructional Weeks
13 + final 71 instructional days total (incl. SURF)
Tuesday 14 + final
MWF: 42 class days (incl. SURF); MW: 28 class days; TTh: 29 class days
Wednesday 15 + final 15 instructional weeks (not including spring break week)
Thursday 15 + final 1 finals week with 4 days
14 (incl. SURF) + final  17 calendar weeks

Summer 2022


22  Monday Undergrad Session 3W-1, 6W-1 and 12W courses begin
  20 Monday Memorial Day
June 07  Wednesday Final day to drop Undergrad Session 3W-2 courses for 100% refund
  12 Monday Undergrad Session 3W-2 courses begin

28 Wednesday Final day to drop Undergrad Session 3W-3 and 6W-2 courses for 100% refund
  30 Friday Undergrad 3W-2 and 6W-1 courses end
 July 04 Tuesday Fourth of July holiday
  05 Wednesday Undergrad Sessions 3W-3 and 6W-2 courses begin
  19 Wednesday Final day to drop Undergrad Session 3W-4 courses for 100% refund
  21 Friday Undergrad Session 3W-3 courses end
  24 Monday Undergrad Session 3W-4 begin
August  11  Friday Undergrad Sessions 3W-4, 6W-2 and 12W courses end 
  16  Wednesday Final summer grades due from faculty 
  23 Wednesday Fall 2023 classes begin
Summer 2022
Official term dates: 5/22/23 – 8/11/23
# Weeks
Undergrad Sessions 3W
3 weeks
Undergrad Sessions 6W 6 weeks
Undergrad Session 12W 12 weeks
Graduate Session 6W 6 weeks
Graduate Session 12W 12 weeks