2022-2023 Student Handbook

Timely Warnings, Emergency Notification, and Public Safety Advisory

Carroll College uses three types of notification processes to warn the campus community in the event of an emergency or public safety risk. The three types of notifications are Emergency Notifications, Timely Warnings, and Public Safety Advisories. 

Timely Warnings are issued in the event a crime that represents a serious or continuing threat to the campus community has occurred. 

Emergency Notifications are issued during emergencies or critical incidents that pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community. 

Public Safety Advisories are issued to reduce the risk of being victimized by telephone/email scams, fraud, etc. 

Anyone with information about a situation that may require a Timely Warning, Emergency Notification, or Public Safety Advisory should report the circumstances to Securitas by calling (406-461-7611) or by calling the 24- hour On-Call Residence Life (406-459-0540).  They may also report in person during business hours Monday – Friday to the following Carroll College Officials:

  • Title IX Coordinator: Karla Smith, O’Connell Hall 214, (406) 447-5501, klsmith@carroll.edu
  • Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator: Annette Walstad, Borromeo Hall 102, (406) 447-5434, awalstad@carroll.edu
  • Director of Campus Security and Public Safety; Jason Grimmis, Borromeo Hall 113, (406) 447-4404, jgrimmis@carroll.edu
  • Asst. Dean of Students and Director of Residential Life and Housing, Zack Eckerdt, Borromeo Hall 127, (406) 447-5509  zeckerdt@carroll.edu
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration: Lori Peterson, O’Connell Hall 247, (406) 447-5432, lpeterson@carroll.edu

Timely Warnings Notification

The Director of Campus Security and Public Safety is responsible for developing and disseminating Timely Warnings to the members of the Carroll College community.  Once an incident that may require a Timely Warning notification has been reported to one of the above listed Campus Security Authorities, the Director of Campus Security and Public Safety will be contacted, and in consultation with other campus administrators (including but not limited to: Dean of Students, Legal Counsel, Director of the Office of Institutional Equity & Title IX Coordinator, and the Emergency Management Coordinator) will determine whether the criteria for issuing a Timely Warning has been met, and if so, A Timely Warning will be issued.  The decision will be made on a case-by-case basis.   

In general, Timely Warnings will be issued when a specific crime has occurred within the Carroll College Geography (on-campus, public property, and non-campus property) and there is a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.  The following three conditions should be met prior to issuing a Timely Warning:

One of the following statutorily designated crimes (Clery crime) is reported to Carroll College

  • Criminal homicide – Including murder and non-negligent manslaughter, and manslaughter by negligence;  
  • Sex offenses – Including rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape 
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault – Cases of aggravated assault and sex offenses are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the facts of the case and the information known by Carroll College and after consultation with the Lewis and Clark County Attorney. 
  • Burglary and/or motor vehicle theft – In general, Timely Warnings will not be issued for single incidents. A Timely Warning may be distributed if a series of incidents poses a continuing threat to the campus community. 
  • Arson 
  • Hate crimes
  • Domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking 
  • Arrests and referrals for drug, alcohol, and weapons law violations 

The reported crime occurred at a Clery-reportable location (Clery geography), which is defined as any of the following: 

  • On campus 
  • On public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus boundaries 
  • In a non-campus building or property. Non-campus locations are described as property that is owned or controlled by Carroll College used for educational purposes, and frequently used by students. 

The reported crime presents a serious or continuing threat to Carroll College students, faculty, and staff, as determined at Carroll College’s discretion. Factors for determining whether an incident poses a serious or continuing threat include: 

  • Whether the suspect has been apprehended 
  • Timeliness of the reported crime to Carroll College 
  • Whether a pattern of crimes exists that places Carroll College students or employees at risk of becoming victims of a similar crime.

Timely warnings will be distributed to the entire campus community as soon as pertinent information is available, without unnecessary delay, in a manner that withholds the names of victims as confidential, and with the goal of aiding in the prevention of similar occurrences. Timely warnings will typically include information such as a brief statement of the incident, physical description of any suspect(s), appropriate safety tips, and other relevant, available information. Timely warning notices are typically written by the Director of Campus Security and Public Safety (or designee) in consultation with the Director of Public Relation/Associate Director of Marketing and Communications (or designee) as time permits.  

Timely warnings will generally be distributed by email, posted to the Carroll College Student Life webpage, on Carroll College’s Emergency Response webpage, and/or through the use of Regroup, the college’s emergency messaging system.  If warranted, Carroll College may also communicate a timely warning via paper postings in buildings. 

The Director of Campus Security and Public Safety may notify the Lewis and Clark County Attorney Office of the intent to distribute a timely warning notice to ensure the information released does not compromise law enforcement efforts as permitted by the Clery Act. 

Carroll College may learn about an incident that may require a Timely warning from a number of sources, including individuals involved in the incident, witnesses, other campus security authorities or by law enforcement officers as defined by the Clery Act.  

The institution is not required to issue a Timely Warning with respect to crimes reported to a pastoral or professional counselor.

Emergency Notification

Carroll College is committed to protecting the lives, safety, and welfare of its campus and community members.  The campus maintains an emergency operation plan that outlines responsibilities of campus departments during emergencies.  This plan outlines incident priorities, campus organizations and specific responsibilities of particular departments or positions.  When an emergency occurs on campus, Carroll College strives to provide students, faculty, and staff with the critical information needed to protect themselves.  To allow Carroll College to provide this information, community members must ensure they are registered, and their Emergency Notification contact information is correct.  

Carroll College Emergency Notification System is a Wireless Emergency Notification System (WENS) powered by ReGroup Notification. The system is used to transmit brief, urgent messages to a large segment of the campus population as quickly as possible. Face-to-face communication may also be used to communicate emergency information. Carroll College will immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or staff occurring on campus. 

All students, faculty, and staff members directly affiliated with the College are encouraged to enroll in and familiarize themselves with the intent and purpose of the Emergency Notification System.  

The President or Director of Campus Security and Public Safety, or designee, in conjunction with other college administrators, local first responders, Public Health Officials and/or the National Weather Service will confirm the emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety will determine the content of the messages in consultation with the Director of Public Relations/Associate Director of Marketing and Communications for distribution to the entire community.   

Carroll College will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

The types of incidents that may cause an immediate threat to the community could include, but are not limited to, emergencies such as: 

  • Active shooter
  • Hostage/barricade situation
  • Riot
  • Suspicious package with confirmation of a device
  • Suspicious death 
  • Structural damage to College owned or controlled facility
  • Biological threat (anthrax, etc.)
  • Severe Weather
  • Natural Disaster
  • Hazardous material spills, gas leaks, etc.
  • Communicable disease outbreak
  • Structure Fires/Explosions

Follow-up information will be distributed using some or all of the identified communication systems (except fire alarm) and would be developed by the Incident Response Group (IRG) and would be assigned to the appropriate staff members to distribute via the systems above. 

Carroll College officials shall use their best, reasonable judgment in all other situations to determine whether an Emergency Notification is warranted.  Situations that may create business, academic or research interruptions, but do not pose a health or safety risk, may also generate an Emergency Notification.  Carroll College will facilitate notifications about such situations, in coordination of involved departments, as appropriate.  

  • Temporary building closures
  • Power outages
  • Network outages

Carroll College will, without delay, and considering the safety of the community, determine the content of the Emergency Notification and initiate the Emergency Notification process, unless the Emergency Notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities: 

  • Compromise efforts to assist the victim or victims 
  • Compromise efforts to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency, such as compromising the efforts of first responders

This section was established with the following assumptions: 

  • Utilization of multiple notification methods is needed, as no single notification method will reach everyone, everywhere, every time. 
  • One hundred percent delivery of notification to each member of the campus population cannot be guaranteed.
  • Other information sources outside the institution’s control may generate erroneous or conflicting information (i.e. affiliated and unaffiliated, social media sites, word of mouth).
  • Regular testing of notification systems is required to ensure proper functionality and operator skill. 
  • Notification systems must account for communication impairments. 
  • Several notifications are considered passive notifications requiring an action by recipients. Some recipients will not take this action and, therefore, not all recipients will receive notifications during the desired timeframe. 
  • It is the responsibility of campus members that are registered for the notification system to maintain updated contact information. 
  • Several notification methods rely on the functionality of third-party vendors that are outside of the institution’s control (i.e. cellphone service providers, electricity).

The local news media may be utilized to disseminate emergency information to members of the larger community, including neighbors, parents and other interested parties. If there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus, Carroll College will follow its emergency notification procedures. Per Clery requirements, an institution that follows its emergency notification procedures is not required to issue a timely warning based on the same circumstances; however, Carroll College will provide adequate follow-up information to the community as needed. 

Anyone with information about a situation that may require the issuance of a timely warning or emergency notification should report the circumstances to the Director of Campus Security and Public Safety by calling 406-447-4404, or in person (113 Borromeo Hall - 1275 N. Park Avenue, Helena, MT), or by contacting Securitas at 406-447-4404, or the On-call Residence Life by calling 406-459-0540.  

Public Safety Advisory

Public Safety Advisories are used to notify students, faculty, and staff of situations that do not pose an immediate threat to life safety, but may require awareness to reduce the risk of being victimized by telephone/email scams, fraud, etc. These notifications are sent via email.