CS 111 Introduction to Computer Programming

This course is an introduction to using computer programs as a way of modeling, analyzing and enhancing the world. The Python language is both powerful and commonly used in business, science and many other applications of computing. An integrated laboratory provides experience in programming and algorithmic problem-solving. Topics include program design methodology, Python fundamentals, modifying objects, control constructs, basics of function and library usage, programmer defined functions, parameter passing, lists, and event-based programming.

CS 112 Object-Oriented Program Design

Object-oriented programming is a powerful programming paradigm that organizes its structure around virtual objects that have well-defined attributes and behavior. This course explores object-oriented programming in the Java programming language. An integrated laboratory provides experience in programming and algorithmic problem-solving. Topics include object-oriented program design, Java classes, abstract classes, interfaces, encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.

CS 130 Digital Video Production

Smartphones have given rise to Citizen Video. In this course, students can start producing their citizen videos for distribution on YouTube and other social media platforms. The course will introduce students to the techniques and aesthetics of digital video production. Students will learn about the creative process of creating audiovisual texts: camerawork, lighting, art direction, set design, costume design, sound design, editing, and how they all contribute to the visual language. Students will produce short movies using varying real-life scenarios and publish them to their YouTube account. Through a hands-on approach and critical analysis, students will learn and understand how messages are successfully and unsuccessfully crafted, targeted, and delivered through digital audio/visual media.

CS 189 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.