ENWR 498 Capstone Seminar (WI)

Advanced Writing. The English Capstone Workshop is a writing course in which advanced English majors practice professional writing and presentation skills and aid one another in the further development of these skills. The course is required for all English majors who are in the last fall semester of study before graduation. Members of the class plan the Carroll College Literary Festival, held on campus in November; they propose, organize, and coordinate sessions on subjects of interest in literature, writing, and English Educatio and they issue calls for papers to English majors and other interested parties for presentation at the conference. Students then spend the semester writing senior projects, regularly subjecting submitting drafts the texts they are working on to intensive workshops by the other members of the class. They then present portions of their final project at the literary festival.




Take 1 IW, intermediate writing course. Take ENLE 200.




Annual Fall Semester