TH 341 History of Christian Thought: Early Church & Partistics

Faith & Reason-Theology. A study of major Christian doctrinal developments in their historical contexts, from the New Testament era through the Patristics.

TH 342 HCT: Middle Ages Through Reformation

Faith & Reason-Theology. A study of major Christian doctrinal developments in their historical contexts, from the Middle Ages through the Reformation.

TH 343 HCT: Modernity-Postmodernity

A study of major developments in Christian thinking in their historical contexts, from Modernity through the challenges of Postmodernity.

TH 352 Christology

Faith & Reason-Theology. An analysis of interpretations of Jesus Christ's humanity and divinity, from biblical statements to contemporary explorations.

TH 353 Trinity in Christian Life and Theology

Faith & Reason-Theology. The point of this class will be to explore the complicated but ultimately satisfying and extremely pragmatic doctrine of the Trinity misunderstood by many laity and scholars alike. We will develop a sense of the historical emergence of the doctrine, important and interesting arguments within the doctrine, and some contemporary ecclesial and ethical views.

TH 371 Discerning Ministerial Vocation

This course will provide students with a chance to reflect on ministry, its point and purpose, some of the challenges they might face in ministry, and whether ultimately the student wants to take on the responsibility of a 3-credit internship with a ministerial or religiously affiliated institutions in our area. The readings and assignments in this class will pertain to basic questions of ministry and vocation, but we will make numerous site-visits to various institutions in the area.

TH 389 Special Topic

Faith & Reason-Theology. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.