Addendum: Interim Grading Policy for Spring 2020
Spring 2020 Grading Policy (One-time only)
Passed April 17, 2020
- Letter grading scale is maintained, but students may opt-in to a Pass/Fail grade option. Students should seek specific guidance from their departments to determine whether a (Specially Designated P) will be sufficient or appropriate for accreditation, or medical or graduate school.
- Students must select the opt-in option by May 18, 2020.
- (Specially Designated P) will be used for Spring 2020 only as a way to distinguish this “pass” grade from previous and subsequent semester P grades earned under the regular pass/fail policy.
- Courses with a (Specially Designated P) grade will be accepted toward Core requirements, as well as major/minor requirements that do not require a C- grade. Students are still subject to the overall GPA requirements of the program/degree, such as an overall 2.00 GPA for Core.
- Students have the option to repeat any course attempted during the Spring 2020 semester for grade replacement regardless of the grade earned.
- Existing repeat policy allows courses with a previous grade of D or F to be repeated for grade replacement on a routine basis, though exceptions are sometimes made for grades of C or above.
- The GPA earned during the Spring 2020 semester will not be considered for probation calculations and dismissal procedures, unless a student has had two or more prior semesters of unsatisfactory performance.
- Extenuating circumstances, as they relate to COVID-19, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- This policy applies only to grades assigned during the Spring 2020 semester.