CATH COCURR Co-Curricular Activities

Catholic Studies students are expected to participate in three types of co-curricular activities. Majors must complete three per academic year, and minors two, to graduate in the program. Truth: e.g. academic lectures. Beauty: e.g. symphonies, a Latin Mass, a trip to an art gallery. Goodness: e.g. Campus Ministry group or retreat; service project coordinated with the Hunthausen Center for Peace and Justice. Activities will be tracked in an account, such as Moddle, that remains every year where students can upload yearly materials. The required Co-Curricular activities will be recorded once during the student's senior year, in a 0-credit, required course, called CATH COCURR. They will be reviewed in the senior year by the CSP program director and recorded. CATH COCURR would be required for completion of the major or minor, but would not bear any credit towards the major. Yearly Retreats. CSP is planning to sponsor one yearly retreat. This retreat will be co-directed with Campus Ministry. The retreats will be co-educational, and will be open to majors, and minors, and the general student body until all spaces are filled. The retreats will focus on integration of a particular Church teaching into the lives of the students, asking what it would actually mean to live that teaching out in a substantive manner. Retreats will combine intellectual and spiritual elements through speakers and break out sessions. All majors and minors would be required to attend this retreat. Attendance records from the retreats will be maintained with the CSP director. Speaker Series. Part of our funding request includes funds for two yearly Catholic Studies speakers. This may be ambitious, but at least one per year would be achievable. We would expect all the majors and minors to attend this lecture. The series will focus on teachings and witness of the Church in the contemporary world, including what it means to live out the Catholic faith both openly and substantially. There may be "brown-bag luncheons or discussions associated with the speakers which could function as an alternative should students be unable to attend the lecture itself. We would ask for written student reflections from the students. Contemplative Activities. Majors will be expected to attend and reflect on 3 external events per year in their track of study and 1 external event outside that track. These events would be identified by the program director. Events that count toward Truth include any approved and external speaker who comes to Carroll. Unless the event is oriented explicitly toward activism, the event will be approved as the point is not simply to put students in front of Catholic thinkers but ask them to think through any speaker's lecture with a Catholic lens. Events that count toward Beauty are arts affairs, select concerts, and symphonies. The art walk is a great example of such an event as is attending the Carroll college choir concert. Goodness includes attendance to programs such as COR or VIA run by Campus Ministry but may also include talks on the Carroll College campus with ethical themes, or even service learning projects developed in collaboration with the Hunthausen Center for Peace and Justice. Students will be required to submit a record of their activities for the year and brief reflection of their effect on the student.




Even Year Fall Semester