SO 319 Policing & Violence 21st Century
Policing and Violence in the 21st Century.
This course is a critical examination of policing
and violence in the 21st century. We will begin by
studying the origins of policing and the history
of violence in the United States. We then will
delve into policing and violence today: we will
look at the profession of law enforcement and its
evolution into the 21st century, including who
becomes a law enforcement officer, the power
structures within law enforcement organizations,
violence within law enforcement agencies and so
on. We will also examine how violence is defined,
measured, and perceived, examining in which
conditions violence is likely to occur. We will
explore violence perpetuated by law enforcement as
well as violence directed at law enforcement.
Throughout, we will consider the policy and
practical implications of these matters. Lastly,
we will look at recent social movements' call to
defund the police and the responding
countermovement to defend law enforcement.
Take SO-101.
Odd Year Fall Semester