TH 233 Introduction to Old Testament
This course surveys the historical, literary,
cultural and theological heritage
in ancient Israel from its earliest beginnings to
the start of the Christian
era. Attention will be paid to the geographical
and historical contexts in
which the Jewish scriptures arose, their social
setting, political contexts
and theological message. Special attention will
be devoted to developing
the skills necessary to interpret the texts
within their own historical context
as well as the possibilities that emerge from the
text as a literary creation.
Students will engage the multiple readings that
emerged in subsequent
Jewish traditions, New Testament texts and
Christian traditions (Roman
Catholic and Protestant). Students will acquire
the skills to critically engage
and interpret some of the most influential
sections from the Old Testament
based on the ancient context as well as
appreciate the multivalent interpretations
available to the contemporary reader.
TH 233 is not WI, writing intensive.
Course Types
As Needed