2022-2023 Academic Catalog

Honorary Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Delta International Honor Society was founded in 1920. The purpose of the society is to promote an interest in sociology and to research social problems and other such social and intellectual activities as will lead to an improvement in the human condition.

Delta Epsilon Sigma

Carroll College holds the charter of the Gamma Chapter of Delta Epsilon Sigma, a national honorary society for students of Catholic colleges and universities. Selection of members in Delta Epsilon Sigma is made from among the members of the junior class on the basis of scholastic achievement, good character, and liberal culture.

Lambda Pi Eta

Carroll College holds the Alpha Alpha Eta chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the national Communication Honor Society. Membership is granted based on academic excellence. The goals of Lambda Pi Eta are to recognize, foster and reward outstanding achievement; stimulate interest in the field of communication; promote and encourage professional development; provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas about the field establish and maintain close relationships and understanding between faculty and students; and explore options for further graduate studies.

Phi Alpha Theta

The Omega-Eta chapter of Psi Alpha Theta is located at Carroll College. Phi Alpha Theta, established in 1921, is the international honor society in history. With chapters located at colleges and universities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada, and the Philippine Islands, Phi Alpha Theta is one of the highest-rated departmental honor societies in existence. Members of the society may participate in a range of historical activities, including the annual Northwest Phi Alpha Theta History Conference.

Phi Sigma Iota

Carroll College’s Department of Languages and Literature has been granted the charter for the Gamma Rho chapter of Phi Sigma Iota. This international honor society has as its ideals and purpose “the recognition of outstanding ability and attainments in the study and teaching of foreign languages, the stimulation of advanced pursuits and individual research in this discipline, and the promotion of cultural enrichment and a sentiment of international amity derived from the knowledge and use of foreign language.” Phi Sigma Iota publishes members’ work in its international magazine and offers scholarships, fellowships, and awards to its members. Carroll’s Gamma Rho chapter is the first chapter to be chartered in Montana.

Phi Sigma Tau

The Carroll College Department of Philosophy sponsors a chapter of Phi Sigma Tau. The objectives of the society are: (1) to serve as a means of awarding distinction to students having high scholarship and personal interest in philosophy; (2) to promote student interest in research and advanced study in this field; (3) to provide opportunities for the publication of student research papers of merit; (4) to encourage a professional spirit and friendship among those who have displayed marked ability in this field; (5) and to popularize interest in philosophy among the general collegiate public.

Psi Chi

The Carroll College Psychology Department holds the charter for the Carroll College Chapter in Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology. According to the Psi Chi bylaws, the purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship and to advance the science of psychology. Active members may hold office and vote on issues of national importance to Psi Chi, as well as attend regional and national psychology conventions. The aims of Psi Chi are summarized in its motto, “Psyche Cheires,” which means: “cooperation in the investigation and cultivation of the mind.” Psi Chi members are expected to remain active in the Psychology Club and participate in campus and community services.

Sigma Beta Delta

Sigma Beta Delta, an international honor society for business students, was established to honor students who attained superior scholarship and achievements in business programs in schools and colleges with regional accreditation. Sigma Beta Delta signifies wisdom, honor, and pursuit of meaningful aspirations. To be inducted into the society, students must rank in the upper 20 percent of their junior, senior, or master's class and be recommended by faculty officers. Sigma Beta Delta encourages students to distinguish themselves through honorable service to humankind. Carroll College evidences this service through KIVA micro-loans in emerging economies.

Sigma Tau Delta

The Department of Languages and Literature at Carroll holds the charter for the Alpha Zeta Epsilon chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honor society. Carroll’s charter is only the second granted in Montana. Sigma Tau Delta “affords exceptional students in the field of English opportunities for furthering culture, for formulating ethical principles, for developing skills in creative and critical writing, and for fostering a spirit of fellowship.” Benefits to student members include opportunities for publication in the society’s journal, various academic prize competitions, presentations at conferences, internships in Washington, D.C., and merit scholarships, as well as access to an established network of contacts in an international academic body.

Sigma Theta Tau

The Zeta Upsilon Chapter of the international honor society in Nursing is a chapter at large for Montana Schools providing baccalaureate or higher nursing degrees. Sigma Theta Tau’s purpose is to encourage and recognize superior scholarship and leadership achievements at the undergraduate and graduate levels in nursing. The criteria for membership is the demonstration of academic excellence by students in baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs.

Theta Alpha Kappa

Theta Alpha Kappa is the national honor society for Theological and Religious studies. It exists to encourage, recognize, and maintain excellence in these fields within baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate degree programs, and also make these studies more broadly understood within the academic profession.