2022-2023 Academic Catalog

PSY - Psychology

PSY 105 General Psychology

Social Science. An introduction to the principles of behavior through an analysis of the explanatory concepts, research methodologies, and contemporary issues in psychology.

PSY 200 Emotional Intel & Personal Prof Success

Emotional intelligence refers to the dimension of intelligence that is responsible for our ability to manage ourselves and our relationships with others. Research suggests that the skills involved with high emotional intelligence are primary for career success, and it separates performers from those who do not succeed. This course introduces students to theories of emotional intelligence, exposes them to research supporting the concept, and gives them tools to assess and develop their own emotional intelligence.

PSY 203 Developmental Psychology

Social Science. This course investigates research and theory concerning the biological, cognitive, and psychosocial development of a person from conception to death. The course covers lifespan development topics, investigating biopsychosocial influences during prenatal development, infancy, early and middle childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, middle, and late adulthood, as well as issues surrounding death, dying, and bereavement.

PSY 216 Social Psychology (ND)

Social Science. An introduction to and an analysis of social interaction, including the social aspects of personality, social attitudes, group behavior, and the influences of social institutions on individual behavior.

PSY 222 History & Systems in Psychology

A study of the major influences of philosophy and physiology on the development of modern psychology. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an education in the roots of psychology and an appreciation for the contributions of the great schools of thought.

PSY 227 Child & Adolescent Psychology

Social Science. This course explores the interaction between biological and environmental factors in order to better understand human development from conception through college. Particular emphasis is given to understanding issues related to pathology and resilience - as well as how to effectively understand and support children and adolescents with diverse backgrounds/challenges. This course fulfills the Developmental Psychology requirement for psychology majors, though - due to significant overlap - is likely not a good fit for students who have previously taken PSY 203.

PSY 229 Educational Psychology

A study of the psychological theories and principles that affect teaching and learning in educational environments. The focus of this course is on the theories and methods associated with the process of learning as well as the application of this knowledge in a variety of classroom environments.

PSY 240 Soc Psy: Soc Affect & Cog(ND)

This course will focus on individual affect and cognition in social environments. Individuals' understanding of themselves and others may often rely on these affects and cognitions. Topics will focus on culture, self-esteem, decision making, social affect and cognition, attitudes and persuasion, and attraction and relationships.

PSY 241 Soc Psy: Social Behavior (ND)

This course will focus on individual behaviors in social environments. Topics will include conformity and obedience, helping, aggression, prejudice and discrimination, group think, and applications of social psychology to the environment.

PSY 242 Social Psychology Lab

In this course, students will increase their familiarity with the elements of the research process in relation to social psychological topics. Seminal and contemporary research in areas such as conformity, compliance, romantic relationships, and prosocial behavior will be discussed in relationship to the research standards and ethical considerations set by the American Psychological Association. Experiences include forming research ideas; conducting scientific literature searches and reviews; designing observational, survey, and archival studies; analyzing small-scale practice data; preparing professional manuscripts, and enhancing presentation skills. The Social Psychology Lab is optional for students enrolled in Social Psychology (PSY/SO 240/241). However; if you enroll in the Lab, you then must be co-enrolled in Social Psychology (PSY/SO 240 or 241) in the same semester. The Lab can only be taken one time.

PSY 289 Special Topic

Social Science. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

PSY 304 Theories & Practice in Counseling Psych

This course is designed to introduce students to the theoretical models, research findings, and practical skills and techniques of counseling and psychotherapy.

PSY 305 Junior Seminar

This course meets once per week to discuss issues of importance to those pursuing a career in psychology or related discipline. Topics will include career exploration, preparations for the GRE, APA writing style, graduate studies and schools, thesis projects, internships, and more. Psychology students are required to attend and participate.

PSY 306 Abnormal Psychology

The focus of this course is on defining, explaining, and evaluating human behavior. Specifically, the course will examine diagnoses and treatment for many common psychological disorders. A portion of the course is devoted to case studies and determining instances of maladaptive behavior. The course will provide insight into the various issues involved in developing, diagnosing, and treating a mental health disorder.

PSY 307 Learning and Behavior

Learning is defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior due to past experience. Research on the mechanisms of learning in both human and nonhuman animals has shaped the field of Behaviorism, which emphasizes observable, measurable behavior over internal, mental processes. This course will familiarize students with experimental approaches used to investigate environmental influences on behavior. Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning theories will be emphasized. Applications of behavioral approaches to addiction, sexual behavior, animal training, parenting, and education will be explored.

PSY 308 Health Psychology

The course will focus on the biological-psychological-social approach to understanding human behavior. Topics will focus on mindfulness and meditative experiences, increasing physical activity, improving sleep quality and managing stress. Students will create projects and explore how certain changes in our health influence our mood and body. It is expected that students will influence the content and material of the course.

PSY 309 Research Methods (WI)

Advanced Writing. This course provides training in experimental research methodologies. Emphasis is placed on determining the correct methodology and data-analysis for a variety of research projects. During the course, students will design and complete a psychological research project. This will include, background research, ethics training, recruitment of subjects, designing the study, running participants, and data analysis. It is expected that all students will complete a poster presentation with their group project by the end of the course. In addition, students will also write a scientific research proposal in APA format. The paper will be used to develop skills in scientific writing as well as understanding formatting requirements with APA.

PSY 310 Human Sexuality

Social Science. This course will examine human sexuality from a biopsychosocial perspective. We will consider the biological, psychological, and social factors that influence sexual behaviors, attitudes, and values. We will gain an understanding of the diversity of sexual behaviors and lifestyles, particularly focusing on human sexuality in the United States. Students will enhance their critical thinking skills through the investigation of scientific evidence for each of the topics covered. Finally, this course requires openness and respect of diverse perspectives to enable students to explore and develop their unique views about human sexuality.

PSY 311 Theories of Personality

Personality psychology is the scientific study of individual differences that predict the way individuals think, feel, and behave. Various contemporary theoretical perspectives (e.g., trait, psychodynamic, cognitive, neuroscience) will be presented to understand how personality is developed, expressed, and measured.

PSY 314 Cognitive Psychology

This course provides an introduction to the study of mental processes and discusses how the cognitive perspective has shaped modern psychology. Both behavioral and neuropsychological approaches to theory will be explored. The course includes such topics as the history of cognition, an introduction to cognitive neuroscience, attention, perception, language processing, memory, decision making, and consciousness. Students will review and replicate classical and contemporary cognitive psychology experiments. Students will also augment their critical thinking skills through the critique of experimental methodology and the application of scientific reasoning to common cognitive problems.

PSY 321 Law, Justice & Forensic Psychology

This course provides in-depth exposure to the roles and responsibilities of Mental Health Professionals within the criminal and (to a lesser extent) civil systems of justice in the United States. Additionally, the course will focus on how the legal system shapes the role of the mental health profession in the court arena. Topics covered include but are not limited to the psychology of jury selection; the identification and psychological evaluation of criminal suspects; the psychological factors associated with eyewitness and jury experiences; issues of mental competency and insanity; and the death penalty.

PSY 334 Experiential/Adventure Therapy

This course will introduce students to adventure and experiential therapies, which incorporate fun and engaging activities (e.g., rock climbing, songwriting, paddleboarding) to facilitate experiences of personal growth, relationship-building, and improved resilience. In this course, students will not only learn about relevant theory and research, but will also directly participate in and facilitate a variety of experiential activities. This is an ideal course for those seeking to learn more about psychology, counseling, and human service via fun and innovative techniques. A significant portion of class will be spent directly engaged in physically-active and socially-demanding tasks, though students of all physical ability levels are welcome and encouraged.

PSY 388 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship

This High Impact Practice (HIP) allows students to develop a greater understanding of psychological theories, and build career relevant skills through course aid. An undergraduate teaching assistant (TA) for any psychology course is expected to provide assistance to the professor of the course. Responsibilities of a course TA depend on the professor's need but can include: attending class, grading assignments and tests, taking attendance, providing assistance to students with studying and assignments, and holding review sessions before exams.

PSY 389 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

PSY 414 Physiological Psychology

Physiological Psychology focuses on the physiological basis of behavior and cognition. The course discusses the structure of the nervous system and various neuropsychological tests and techniques used to evaluate neurological disorders. Topics include neuroanatomy, sensation and perception, and the neurological correlates of attention, learning, memory, language and decision making. A laboratory section includes in-depth discussions and activities on a variety of topics including case studies of neurological disorders and hands-on experience with sheep brain and cow eye dissections.

PSY 416 Brain and Behavior

Brain and Behavior evaluates the biological aspects of psychology and behavior. The course focuses on the biological role the brain has on motor control, sleep, the endocrine system, hunger, thirst, reproduction, sexual drives, stress and emotional behavior. Students also examine the biological correlates of mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, PTSD, and substance abuse. A focus of the course will be on pharmaceutical treatments for a wide variety of disorders. The laboratory section includes case studies of neurological disorders and journal article discussions on recent advances in pharmacological approaches and treatments.

PSY 425 Internship

Internship Experiences recognize that learning can take place outside the classroom. Carroll College allows its students to participate in opportunities that relate to their area of study. This opportunity must relate directly a student's program of study in order to qualify for an internship. Close cooperation among Carroll and the participating organizations ensures an experience that contributes significantly to the student's overall growth and professional development. Juniors and seniors in any major area may participate with the approval of faculty internship advisor and/or department chair, Career Services, and a site supervisor. Students will receive academic credit and may or may not receive monetary compensation for an internship. A student may apply a maximum of 12 semester hours to degree requirements; academic departments will determine the number of credits that may count toward the major (most majors accept 6 hours total). Enrollment in the course must be during the same semester in which the experience takes place. Interested students should contact their academic advisor and Career Services prior to the start of an experience.

PSY 485 Independent Study

Independent study is a unique learning opportunity not offered in the regular curriculum or an existing Carroll course offered to a student in special circumstances. Only junior and senior students may enroll in an independent study. At the time of application, a student must have earned a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. A student may register for no more than three (3) semester hours of independent study in any one term. In all cases, registration for independent study must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson and submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

PSY 486 Independent Research in PSY

In this High Impact Practice (HIP), students will be further introduced to the research process by engaging in faculty-lead research opportunities. Students may gain experiences with designing studies to test hypotheses; submitting IRB protocols; becoming trained to ethically conduct psychological research with human participants; collecting, entering, and analyzing data; presenting results at local, regional, or international conferences; writing manuscripts; and reviewing and critiquing projects. Each student's research experience will be unique. Students will become involved in projects based on project timing and their own involvement, commitment, and ability. Weekly meetings with the supervising faculty member are required.

PSY 489 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

PSY 499 Senior Thesis

The senior thesis is designed to encourage creative thinking and to stimulate individual research. A student may undertake a thesis in an area in which s/he has the necessary background. Ordinarily a thesis topic is chosen in the student's major or minor. It is also possible to choose an interdisciplinary topic. Interested students should decide upon a thesis topic as early as possible in the junior year so that adequate attention may be given to the project. In order to be eligible to apply to write a thesis, a student must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 based upon all courses attempted at Carroll College. The thesis committee consists of a director and two readers. The thesis director is a full-time Carroll College faculty member from the student's major discipline or approved by the department chair of the student's major. At least one reader must be from outside the student's major. The thesis director and the appropriate department chair must approve all readers. The thesis committee should assist and mentor the student during the entire project. For any projects involving human participants, each student and his or her director must follow the guidelines published by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Students must submit a copy of their IRB approval letter with their thesis application. As part of the IRB approval process, each student and his or her director must also complete training by the National Cancer Institute Protection of Human Participants. The thesis is typically to be completed for three (3) credits in the discipline that best matches the content of the thesis. Departments with a designated thesis research/writing course may award credits differently with approval of the Curriculum Committee. If the thesis credits exceed the full-time tuition credit limit for students, the charge for additional credits will be waived. Applications and further information are available in the Registrar's Office.