2022-2023 Student Handbook

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Introduction and Purpose

Carroll College believes that individual choices involving the use of alcohol and drugs have an impact on both the individual and the community. National studies have found that alcohol and drug use is closely linked to:

  • Sexual assault and misconduct.
  • Declining academic performance.
  • Violent crime.
  • Substance abuse among college students.

For these reasons, the college’s alcohol and drug policy demonstrates a strong ethic of care and establishes healthy standards for the community in relation to the responsible and legal use of alcohol and a campus environment free from the use or presence of illegal drugs.  Furthermore, Carroll College students will be able to identify how the use of alcohol or drugs can impact their own educational experiences and the experiences of their communities.   

Carroll College will intervene when inappropriate or illegal behavior regarding the use or abuse of alcohol or drugs is demonstrated. Students, whether of legal age or not, will be held responsible and accountable for their actions.  

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, [20. U.S.C. 1145g, (34 CFR Part 86)], requires institutions of higher education to enact policies for preventing the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs by students and employees. 

College Regulations


1. All students must comply with federal, state, and city laws and Carroll College policies concerning alcohol use. 

The following behaviors are prohibited by Carroll College:

  • Drunkenness and public intoxication, regardless of age.
  • Underage possession, transportation, and consumption of alcohol before an individual's twenty-first (21) birthday.
  • Drinking in the presence of individuals under the age of twenty-one while in Carroll College residence halls and campus apartments. 
  • Distribution/sale of an alcoholic beverage to any individual before the individual's twenty-first birthday.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or another substance. Operation of a motor vehicle while impaired, or with a blood alcohol or breath alcohol level at or above the legal limit.
  • Possession, use, provision, and/or distribution of kegs, mini kegs, beer balls, beer bongs, or any other source of mass consumption of alcohol such as trash cans, tubs, or similar containers, when the action occurs on Carroll College premises, in the housing of any student group, or in connection with any College activity. 
  • Games of mass consumption are not permitted on Carroll College premises.

2.  Students of legal drinking age (twenty-one years and older) may:

  • Exercise the option to consume alcohol in a room where all guests present are of legal drinking age.
  • Consume alcohol in their residence hall rooms or apartments, but not in lounges, hallways, common areas, or other unauthorized places (for example, on all College grounds, academic buildings, and locales of off-campus Carroll functions). Any alcohol in unauthorized situations will be confiscated and the individuals(s) will be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Transport alcohol in an enclosed container to their own room, or the room of another student of legal drinking age, where all assigned residents are 21 years of age or older.

3.  Students are required to provide identification when requested by security or college staff. Failure to comply or leaving the scene of the incident without providing identification is cause for disciplinary action.

4.  Students of legal drinking age may not provide alcohol to or consume alcohol in the residence hall room of a person under legal drinking age.

5.  Visitors to Carroll College must comply with applicable laws and college policy regarding the use of alcohol.  Responsibility to assure that a guest is of legal drinking age rests with the resident host(s).

6.  Carroll College prohibits the use of alcohol in its vans, buses, and other college vehicles.


Statement of No Tolerance for Drug Activity

Carroll College does not tolerate the illegal use of drugs, narcotics, or paraphernalia. The College also prohibits the use of marijuana, which remains illegal under federal regulations which apply to Carroll College as a recipient of federal aid and any illegal or misuse of prescription drugs. The college considers the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, narcotics, or paraphernalia as detrimental to the welfare of the individual and to the health, security, and safety of the Carroll community. The college has a responsibility to maintain a safe and secure environment for students to pursue their educational goals free from the use or presence of illegal drugs. Additionally, federal and state drug abuse control laws are applicable to all members of the campus community. Violators of the college’s Alcohol and Drug Policy will be encouraged to seek professional help when appropriate and will be subject to discipline under the Student Conduct Code which may result in sanctions, including expulsion from Carroll College. 

All students must comply with federal, state, and city laws and ordinances and Carroll College policy concerning the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs.  Marijuana in any form remains a controlled substance under federal law and is also prohibited. In addition, Carroll College Prohibits the following:

  • Possession or use of dangerous drugs including marijuana, illegal drugs, narcotics, or other intoxicating substances.
  • The non-medical use of prescription drugs is not allowed on campus. Students’ use of these drugs inappropriately such as to “get high,” cram for exams, or to enhance sports performance is a violation of this policy. For more information and guidelines, please see the Prescriptions policy (insert link). Attendance at a gathering where marijuana, illegal drugs, narcotics, or dangerous substances are being used is a violation of college policy.
  • Possession or use of drug paraphernalia such as bongs, pipes, vaporizers, and other e-devices, or blow tubes on the college campus.
  • Visitors to Carroll College must comply with applicable laws and college policy regarding the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs. Responsibility for the behavior of guests rests with the resident host(s).
  • Carroll College prohibits the use of drugs in its vans, buses, and other College vehicles.
  • The smell of marijuana in campus housing is disruptive to other residents living in the community and marijuana is prohibited by the college. Therefore, College staff will address rooms with the smell of marijuana and hold residents responsible.


Students who violate the College policy, city or state laws are subject to disciplinary action as a student under the Student Conduct Code; and may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

Student sanctions may include reprimand, probation, suspension, expulsion, and/or fines as well as referral to educational and/or treatment programs.

Criminal sanctions may include jail, probation, mandatory counseling and/or education, fines, and suspension or revocation of driving privileges.

Groups violating the Alcohol and Drug policy may be subject to a withdrawal of College recognition, support, and access to college services and facilities for the group.

Failure to complete sanctions assigned, or complete on time, may result in a $200 fine posted to the student’s account. Additional sanctions may be assigned and required to be completed in order to remain a Carroll student. Failure to complete sanctions may result in a hold on student accounts, and the inability to request transcripts or sign up for additional coursework.

A student who is distributing, selling, or manufacturing illegal drugs or narcotics may be subject to immediate dismissal without rebate or academic credit. Any information that comes to the attention of college authorities in regard to the trafficking of drugs will be communicated to law enforcement.

Education Prevention and Treatment Programs

Carroll College provides alcohol and drug abuse prevention education, counseling, and treatment programs to all degree seeking students, and non-degree students living in campus housing annually.  

A student who is experiencing health issues associated with the use of alcohol or drugs may be required to undergo professional evaluation and treatment prior to reapplying for admission to complete their education.

The Wellness Center counseling services provide both counseling and referral services for employees and students. The counseling staff will provide information and confidential referral to drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs.


Effective 8/4/2022