2022-2023 Student Handbook

International Travel

Carroll College recognizes the importance of providing its graduates with opportunities to develop global and multicultural understanding. The College must balance the educational value of participation in international activities with the potential risks of international travel in a comprehensive and consistent manner. Carroll College seeks to provide resources to assist students, faculty and staff in preparing for safe and successful international travel and this policy is intended to promote the health, safety, and security of all members of the Carroll community while traveling abroad for Carroll-related activities. International Travel includes study abroad, volunteering and/or internships abroad, and international travel with Carroll College departments or approved student organizations.

International Travel Registry

All faculty-led leaders must register their group with the U.S. Department of State Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) prior to departure. All Carroll College employees must register themselves with the STEP program prior to departure when traveling internationally on behalf of Carroll College business.

Travel Warnings

Carroll College does not sponsor programs or travel to countries that have US Dept. of State travel warning of a three (3) unless approved by the administration. The VPAA will make the final decision on whether or not faculty-led programs proceed should the travel warning change in the planning stages.

If a travel warning of 3 is issued while a Carroll College program is in country, the Carroll College crisis management team will be convened to make recommendations for the faculty-member(s) and the students who are abroad.

Carroll College does not sponsor programs to countries that have US Dept of State travel warning of a four (4).


Students who wish to participate in an international program sponsored by Carroll College must be in good standing with:

  • Academics: Minimum GPA of 2.5. Not currently on an academic recovery plan.
  • Student Life: No community living concerns, as documented by the Director of Residential Life & Housing 
  • Business Office: No outstanding debt to Carroll College.

Physical and Mental Health

The Participant understands that travel as part of the program may require special visa arrangements, health precautions and vaccinations and other medical preparation, and the Participant is required to make all preparations necessary to safeguard his/her health and comply with all recommended precautions pertaining to his/her health and safety. In this regard, the Participant acknowledges that (s)he has had the opportunity to seek medical advice and will follow the medical advice (s)he has received. The Participant also must certify that (s)he is in sound physical and mental health at the time of application and expects to be in sound mental and physical health during the entirety of the time when traveling with the Program. All Carroll College students who intend to travel internationally must be approved to participate by a medical provider. See the Carroll College “Self-Care Expectations, Self- Destructive and Threatening Behavior” policy for specific information regarding mental health issues, details regarding the college’s policy regarding students who may potentially be harmful to themselves or others, and the possibility of “suspension from participating in curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities which may include study abroad, service trip…” The Participant must further certify that (s)he has informed the College of any pre-existing health concerns, insect, food or medication allergies, and will bring appropriate medication to treat these conditions. The Participant understands that the College assumes no responsibility for health care expenses incurred either abroad or in the U.S. prior to, during, or after the Program’s completion. The Participant further must certify that (s)he has obtained all immunizations and malaria prophylaxis (if applicable) as recommended by the County Health Department, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization. Immunizations for international travel will not be waived for any reason.

Program Descriptions, Materials, and Orientation Programs

If students are participating in a study abroad program, offered by the Global Education Office, the student understands that the program is generally described in the literature provided. It is understood and agreed that the information contained in this literature is descriptive only and may be changed from time to time by the College or the Program. The College reserves the right to make changes to the Program at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and the College shall not be liable to the Participant because of any such change. The College reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel the Program or any aspect thereof either prior to or after departure, and in the case of cancellation after departure, to require that all Participants return to the United States if the College determines or believes that any person is or will be in danger if the Program or any aspect thereof is continued. The College will supply pre-departure materials, and provide mandatory pre-departure orientation programs. Before the Participant may travel internationally for Carroll related activities, (s)he must read, understand, and participate in all pre-departure materials and activities.

Tuition, Fees and Financial Implications

The Participant agrees to pay all applicable fees and tuition for his/her participation in the Program. The Participant shall not be allowed to participate in the Program until all fees and tuition are paid, or until payment arrangements have been made. Unless otherwise a part of the Program, the Participant shall make all travel arrangements and shall be responsible for payment of all travel expenses and for any losses or additional expenses due to the delay or failure of any transportation. If delays due to weather, flight schedules or other uncontrollable factors require that that Participant spend additional nights, the College will not be responsible for the Participant’s hotel, transfers, meal costs or other expenses unless the delays occur during the scheduled dates of a faculty-led program. In the case of non-faculty-led programs, the Participant understands that the College does not represent or act as an agent for, and cannot control the acts or omissions of, any host institution, host family, transportation carrier, hotel, tour organizer or other provider of goods or services involved in the Program.

Independent Travel Outside the Program

Neither the college nor the host organization is responsible for injury or loss the Participant may suffer when (s)he is traveling independently or otherwise separated or absent from any host or College sponsored activities. If the Participant becomes separated from the Program group, fails to meet a departure bus, airplane or train, or becomes sick or injured, (s)he will at his/her own expense, seek out, contact, and reach the Program group at its next available destination. Any independent activity or travel in which the Participant chooses to become involved outside of the Program will be at the expense and risk of the Participant. The College has no involvement in selecting the staff, route, schedule, transportation, facilities or equipment for activities that take place during unscheduled time. Participants should consider these factors carefully before deciding to become involved in any activity or travel outside the Program schedule. The College staff members may, from time to time, provide Participants with information regarding certain activities or travel destinations. In no way does this represent the College endorsement of those activities or destinations. The College staff members who participate in any activities during unscheduled time do so as private individuals, not as representatives of the College.

Laws, Rules, Regulations and Standards of Conduct

The Participant is responsible to research, understand and comply with all rules, regulations and standards of conduct established by the Faculty Leader(s) and/or Host Organization, the Program, and the College, as well as the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Host Organization or Program is located. It is understood that violation of applicable rules, regulations, standards of conduct and/or laws may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the Host Organization and/ or the College. In the event that a violation results in suspension from the Program, the College shall have no obligation to refund any applicable tuition or fees nor shall the College be obligated to pay any expenses that the Participant may incur as a consequence of the disciplinary action. The Participant understands that (s)he is acting as a representative of the College while participating in the Program or attending the Host Organization and as such any violations of rules, regulations and standards of conduct which result in disciplinary actions in the host country, at the Host Organization or Program damages the College’s reputation. In such instances, therefore, the College reserves the right to undertake its own investigation and possibly take further disciplinary action against the Participant. In the case of Participants studying on a non-faculty led program, the Participant understands and agrees: (1) that the College and Host Institution are distinct and separate entities; (2) that the College and the Host Institution are not partners nor co-venturers; and (3) that the Host Institution employees and/or agents are not the employees and/ or agents of the College. Accordingly, it is understood and agreed that the acts of the Host Institution with respect to the suspension and/or expulsion of the Participant from the Program are not the acts of the College, and Library Use | College Policies 33 that State and/or United States Federal law regarding the rights of the Participant to notice, a hearing prior to suspension and expulsion from the Program, and/or appeal are not binding on the Host Institution. The Participant understands and agrees that the College reserves the right to impose disciplinary action on the Participant for acts committed while participating in the Program which would otherwise be a violation of the College’s Code of Student Conduct. The Participant understands that each foreign country has its own laws and standards of acceptable conduct, including dress, manners, morals, politics, drug use and behavior. The Participant will be responsible for learning, and will abide by, all such laws and standards for each country to or through which (s)he will travel during the Program, as well as with the procedures for obtaining emergency health and law enforcement services in the location(s) (s)he will visit. The Participant will attend to any legal problems (s)he encounters with any foreign nations or governments of the host country. The College is not responsible for providing any assistance under such circumstances.

Health and Travel Insurance Requirements

The College requires the Participant to purchase travel insurance. The Participant agrees that the College shall not be liable for the loss, damage, destruction or theft of the Participant’s luggage or personal belongings, or for any other injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or expense arising out of any such matters. It is recommended that your required travel insurance cover trip interruption, lost luggage, repatriation of remains and emergency evacuation coverage of at least $50,000. The Participant is required to have Health Insurance, for the duration of his/her stay outside the United States, that provides, at a minimum, coverage for emergency medical care and treatment, hospitalization, and physician charges in the country where the Host Institution/Program is located. The Participant must provide proof of adequate insurance to the Global Learning Office before travel will be approved. The Participant assumes responsibility for medical insurance, medical treatment, and the costs of such treatment while participating in the Program. The College encourages Participants to include insurance coverage for Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage of at least $50,000.