2023-2024 Academic Catalog

Change of Address and/or Name

It is essential that students notify the Office of the Registrar promptly of any change in residence; address changes can be made in Carroll Self-Service. All requests for a change of name must be accompanied by appropriate, official documentation.

Preferred First Names

Carroll College recognizes that that some students use first names other than their legal names to identify themselves.

Students can request the use of a preferred name regardless of whether or not they have legally changed their name. This information will be shared with academic advisors, faculty (through class rosters), and student support staff to support students during their time at Carroll.

Students are free to change the preferred first names provided that the request is deemed sincere and it is not for the purpose of misrepresentation (i.e. using the process to avoid a legal obligation).

Preferred first names that differ from an individual’s legal name will be used solely for Carroll’s internal systems. The College shall maintain a record of the student’s legal name, which will be used when required by College business or legal need. All external reporting of a student’s name must, by law, use the student’s legal name.

Acceptable uses of preferred names include:

A middle name instead of first name
An abbreviated name (Rob instead of Robert, Manny instead of Manuel)
An Americanized name (Stephanie instead of Haiyan)
A name to which you are in the process of legally changing
A name that better represents your gender identity

You may not use your preferred name to misrepresent who you are, nor may you use any symbols, profane or offensive language in your preferred first name. Those who intentionally misuse the preferred first name option may be subject to disciplinary action and the preferred first name will be removed.