CS 341 Software Engineering II
CS 341 is a hands-on lab-based approach for building a web-application, using the concepts and practices of a modern software development process. The course will examine various frameworks and tools and investigate how those aid the developer in creating a solution in a more efficient and maintainable manner. This course will discuss coding style, algorithms, design patterns, as well as the use of technologies that attempt to make it easier for either a single developer or a team of developers to create modern web-applications that can be easily deployed. More specifically,
CS 341 will cover a wide variety of topics including software development, configuration, deployment, and monitoring. Technologies and frameworks to be covered include Java, HTML5, Spring, Gradle, Docker, JUnit, MySQL (SQL), Redis (NoSQL), and webservices (RestFUL). Students may upload their completed projects to an AWS instance in the Amazon cloud and verify that it can be accessed.
Must have completed CS 230 with a grade of C- or better prior to taking this course
Annual Fall Semester