2021-2022 Academic Catalog

ED - Education

ED 102 Foundations of Education (WI)

An introductory course for prospective teachers that provides a broad intellectual structure for understanding the nature of the school as a social institution, the teaching profession as a potential career, and themselves as prospective teachers. Students will explore: 1) a variety of social, political, economic, legal, and philosophical variables that have made the American public school what it is today, 2) the connections between historical and contemporary educational issues, and 3) the potential impact of their own temperaments, talents, and motivations, upon their satisfaction and effectiveness as teachers. Students will be introduced to the conceptual framework and the assessment process that guides the teacher education program at Carroll College. A twenty (20) hour field experience in a public school classroom is required.

ED 103 Instructional Media & Technology

This course is intended for students seeking teacher licensure. Students will not only interact with new technologies for enhanced learning and engagement in instructional media, but develop technology based unit plans (TBUP's) for future integration of technology into education. Course focus is on both hardware and software of instructional media. No prior knowledge of computers or other technology is assumed.

ED 189 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

ED 228 Children's Literature

Students read, listen to, and evaluate a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction literature published for or enjoyed by children. Techniques for teaching literature and using literature in other content areas are discussed and presented.

ED 229 Educational Psychology

A study of the psychological theories and principles that affect teaching and learning in educational environments. The focus of this course is on the theories and methods associated with the process of learning as well as the application of this knowledge in a variety of classroom environments.

ED 245 Diversity Field Experience

Utilizing a 30 hour field experience, this course is designed to expand the range of each student's understanding of the experience of preK-12 students who, because of such fundamental components as race, ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics, may have been historically marginalized by society. It is anticipated that students will expand their understanding of these social groups by identifying possible personal bias and experimenting with appropriate teaching strategies for these students. Students will meet with their advisors to plan the details their field experience prior to registering for the course.

ED 305 Classroom Management

This course presents best practices based on current research for classroom and behavior management including, but not limited to, classroom procedures and expectations, organization of materials, and classroom space for optimum learner benefit. Instructional and behavioral management strategies for individual and large group classrooms for diverse populations will be explored. Using classroom observation, students will report, reflect, and evaluate management techniques and begin to consider their own management styles.

ED 312 Elementary Science and Social Studies

A course designed to help the preservice teacher develop a defensible rationale for making curricular and instructional decisions concerning the substance of instruction, techniques of instruction, and evaluation practices as unique to the teaching of elementary social studies and science. This course combines lecture and laboratory in which students will study science and social studies curricula, the planning and design of hands-on activities and materials, and teaching both content and process.

ED 314 Physical Education-Elementary School

Methods of Physical Education in Elementary School. This course provides the knowledge, theory, and some practical applications of physical education within the Elementary school setting. Students will learn about the various components of an elementary physical education program and will learn how to develop a year-long elementary physical education curriculum. Students will learn games and activities appropriate to the developmental level of elementary children, health promotion concepts, teaching methodology, evaluation techniques, and the importance of physical education as an integral part of general education.

ED 318 Content Area Reading & Sec Teach Methods

Advanced Writing. Content Area Reading and Secondary Teaching Methods. This course considers classroom planning, lesson presentation skills, and instructional equipment and materials. Students study the development of listening, speaking, vocabulary, reading, and writing, and learn assessment techniques as well as strategies to improve study skills, writing, and reading, while teaching content areas. Students analyze text and electronic reading materials used in content areas. A 45-hour exploratory experience in a public school classroom is required. Prior field experiences will be analyzed to determine grade level placement for this field experience.

ED 321 Arts Integration in Elementary School

This course is designed to equip preservice teachers with knowledge, skills, and appreciation for using the arts (visual, media, drama/theater, music, and dance) as an effective methodology for learning in an integrated curriculum. We explore how students learn (1) with the arts, (2) through the arts, and (3) about the arts. Students in this course will experience a variety of arts and arts-integrated lessons, as well as design and deliver their own standards-based arts-integrated lessons.

ED 323 Teaching Communication Arts I

Advanced Writing. Teaching the Communication Arts I. Students focus on the development, curriculum, instruction, and assessment of writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and thinking. Methods, materials, techniques, and strategies for teaching all of the communication arts are presented and discussed.

ED 324 Diagnostic-Based Interventions

This course is designed to prepare the classroom teacher to assess children's reading levels and provide instruction for the corrective and remedial reader using appropriate methods. Students are required to complete a clinical experience.

ED 325 Teaching Communication Arts II

Teaching the Communication Arts II. Methods, materials, techniques, and strategies for teaching reading will be presented. The students will study word recognition, comprehension, and metacognition teaching strategies as well as emergent literacy. One-third of this course is devoted to public school classroom work which will be arranged by the instructor and required for each student.

ED 350 Middle School Teaching

This course looks at the sociological, psychological, historical, and philosophical foundations of middle schools. In addition, middle school program, organization, planning, curriculum, and evaluation will be explored. Organizational characteristics such as interdisciplinary teaming, scheduling, advisory programs, and exploratory programs are explained and researched. Issues in curriculum and curriculum development/organization are introduced. Emphasis will be placed on developing an interdisciplinary unit of study at the middle school level. Students will be required to complete 15 hours of field experience.

ED 365 Young Adult Literature

A study of literature written for young adults. Students will read, listen to and evaluate a wide variety of literature published for or enjoyed by young adult readers, including traditional folk tales, myths, and legends; fantasy and realistic fiction; biography and autobiography; and poetry. Students will also study techniques for teaching and using literature in the 5-12 classroom.

ED 389 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

ED 403 Internship

A half-day, two-semester field experience program for qualified senior students. The internship will be consecutive, beginning the fall semester of the senior year and ending with the spring semester of the senior year. Due to scheduling of course work, the first semester's internship is in the morning hours, while the second semester's field experience is completed in the afternoon.

ED 404 Internship

A half-day, two-semester field experience program for qualified senior students. The internship will be consecutive, beginning the fall semester of the senior year and ending with the spring semester of the senior year. Due to scheduling of course work, the first semester's internship is in the morning hours, while the second semester's field experience is completed in the afternoon. Prerequisite: ED 318 or ED 325, and acceptance to student teaching. Offered annually.

ED 405 Education Seminar

This capstone seminar is required of all teacher-education students during their student teaching semester. It addresses professional concerns of the classroom teacher, the creation of the Teacher Work Sample, and the final consideration of the college's core curriculum.

ED 407 Organization & Admin of the Reading Prog

Organization and Administration of the Reading Program. This course develops skills for organizing, managing, and evaluating reading programs for all children (K-12) and presents methods for promoting staff, administration, and community support for reading programs.

ED 408 Student Teaching - Minor Only

For qualified students pursuing professional teacher licensing in a minor endorsement area only, or seeking a second minor endorsement. A full day directed teaching program in the student's minor area. The program is open to elementary and secondary education majors who are pursuing a minor in a certifiable area and may be completed in either the first or second semester of the senior year. Admission to Student Teaching required.

ED 410 Student Teaching - Major or Major/Minor

Sed Vitae. For qualified students pursing professional teacher licensing in a major, or a major and minor endorsement, area of study. A full day, 15-week directed teaching program in the student's major and minor areas. The course is open to elementary and secondary education majors accepted into student teaching and may be completed in either the first or second semester of the senior year. Admission to student teaching required.

ED 412 Measurement and Assessment in Teaching

This course will look at the role of measurement and assessment in the instructional process. Classroom tests and standardized tests will be analyzed. Gathering, administering and interpreting assessment data will be examined.

ED 485 Independent Study

Independent study is open to junior and senior students only. At the time of application, a student must have earned a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. A student may register for no more than three (3) semester hours of independent study in any one term. In all cases, registration for independent study must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

ED 489 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

ED 499 Senior Thesis

The senior thesis is designed to encourage creative thinking and to stimulate individual research. A student may undertake a thesis in an area in which s/he has the necessary background. Ordinarily a thesis topic is chosen in the student's major or minor. It is also possible to choose an interdisciplinary topic. Interested students should decide upon a thesis topic as early as possible in the junior year so that adequate attention may be given to the project. In order to be eligible to apply to write a thesis, a student must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 based upon all courses attempted at Carroll College. The thesis committee consists of a director and two readers. The thesis director is a full-time Carroll College faculty member from the student's major discipline or approved by the department chair of the student's major. At least one reader must be from outside the student's major. The thesis director and the appropriate department chair must approve all readers. The thesis committee should assist and mentor the student during the entire project. For any projects involving human participants, each student and his or her director must follow the guidelines published by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Students must submit a copy of their IRB approval letter with their thesis application. As part of the IRB approval process, each student and his or her director must also complete training by the National Cancer Institute Protection of Human Participants. The thesis is typically to be completed for three (3) credits in the discipline that best matches the content of the thesis. Departments with a designated thesis research/writing course may award credits differently with approval of the Curriculum Committee. If the thesis credits exceed the full-time tuition credit limit for students, the charge for additional credits will be waived. Applications and further information are available in the Registrar's Office.