2021-2022 Academic Catalog

TH - Theology

TH 101 Theological Foundations

An introduction to the study of theology in the Core aspects of theological inquiry-the Bible, the Creed, moral theology- enable students and faculty to jointly explore the nature of Christian faith and the embodiment of Christian faith in concrete historical contexts.

TH 189 Special Topic

Faith & Reason-Theology. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

TH 201 Church and Worship

Faith & Reason-Theology. An analysis of the Church as a community of believers and a social institution; a study of church liturgy and sacra-ments.

TH 202 The Gospel According to Harry Potter

Is the wizarding world of Harry Potter incompatible with Christianity as some have suggested? This class will explore how the Harry Potter novels are useful guides to examine and reflect on Christian themes like love, grace, sacrifice, power, evil, sin, community, sacraments, and faith.

TH 205 Theology and Film

In this course students will study the various ways that theology and film interact with one another; the manner with which film has been studied for theological themes as well as the influence of the religious imagination in the cinema. Students will view and analyze a variety of films from a cross-section of world cinema.

TH 206 American Cinema & Catholic Imagination

In this course students will study four American filmmakers (Frank Capra, John Ford, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese) and how their films express a Catholic imagination formed in their childhood. Not all of these filmmakers retained an active Catholic faith into adulthood. However, students will explore how Catholicism as a culture continues to resonate in their films through ideas such as sac- ramentality, mediation, and communion. Students will also study how these concepts are shaped by the distinguishing cultural expressions of Catholicism brought to America by the Italian and Irish forebears of these filmmakers. By viewing such classic movies as The Searchers, It?s a Wonderful Life, The Godfather, and Taxi Driver students will study how these directors present a distinctly Catholic vision of America.

TH 210 Catholicism: Explor From Vatic I to Pres

This course explores, through ecclesial texts and some Catholic fiction and film, distinctive themes and issues that mark Catholic identity in the 20th century, including sacramentality, tradition, the faith and reason relationship, and Catholic understandings of authority and community. All interested students are welcome.

TH 211 Comparative Religion (CD)(GD)

Cultural Diversity, Faith & Reason-Theology. A study of the origins and beliefs of major world religions in historical contexts.

TH 212 Women Mystics

Faith & Reason-Theology. The course explores the development of a theology of mysticism that emerged in the context of neo-platonism and its chief proponent within the Christian context, Pseudo-Dionysius. Following that, the course explores several texts by women mystical writers of the High Middle Ages as one access point to the interconnections that exist between mystical experience and lay piety.

TH 215 Exploring Christian Spirituality

Faith & Reason-Theology. What is spirituality? What is Christian spirituality? What is its role in the lives of Christians today? These are just a few of the questions this course will take up. The course explores the various spiritual traditions and practices that have shaped the lives of Christians over the centuries. The first part of the course will seek to define spirituality, both as a lived experience and as an academic field. The second part of the course will engage selections from a variety of classic Christian spiritual sources including Sacred Scripture, St. Augustine, St. Benedict, St. Francis and St. Clare, Julian of Norwich, St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Theresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. The final part of the class will examine the ways that Christian spirituality can inform our understanding of contemporary issues; these include sexuality, ecology, interreligious dialogue, and political action. Students will engage texts from a variety of contemporary Christian spiritual writers such as Thomas Merton, Desmond Tutu, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., Sr. Simone Campbell, Anne Lamott, and Gustavo Gutierrez. In addition, students will reflect critically on the possibilities and limitations of the various spiritual traditions and practices so that they might be able to determine for themselves the value and role of Christian spirituality in today's world.

TH 216 Violence & Atonement

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. Atonement, as celebrated weekly during the Eucharistic Mass or other equivalent celebrations, stands as a central doctrine to the Catholic Church and the Christian world. The problem with the doctrine, however, is that it has come to be interpreted almost exclusively through an ill-advised and even heretical model called 'penal substitutionary theory,' This class will not only call into question and overcome penal substitutionary theory, it will posit and evaluate a number of other atonement models that the Church has historically taken seriously. Moreover, it will spend a lot of time both understanding and evaluating one form of atonement in particular, which we can call the 'anti-scapegoat' model, which at least fits the truth-criterion that must lie at the bottom of any model of atonement: that the ground of peace which founds the Church must come in and as peace to us.

TH 217 Christian Spirituality and Justice

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. This class explores the much needed yet often ignored relationship between spirituality and justice from the Christian perspective. Students will explore contemporary justice issues that continue to challenge our world today, such as poverty, racism, gender inequality, war and violence, globalization, and ecological degradation. Students will learn how the Christian tradition provides a wealth of spiritual and theological responses to these crises. Students will critically analyze responses to these issues using various understandings of spiritualities of justice found in Sacred Scriptures, patristic writings, Catholic Social Teaching, and various contemporary theological and spiritual texts. Finally, this course is designed to help students learn to develop life-giving, contemporary spiritual practices that help them live just and meaningful lives.

TH 218 Spiritual Autobiographies

Faith & Reason- Theology. Over the course of Christian history, significant individuals have shared their personal journeys to and with God through the genre of spiritual autobiography. This course will explore this genre by reading such classics as St. Augustine of HIppo's Confessions, St. Teresa of Avila's The Life of Theresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux's A Story of a Soul, as well as more contemporary texts such as Thomas Merton's Seven Storey Mountain and Howard Thurman's With Hand and Heart.Through rigorous study of these classic and contemporary texts, students will explore and critically engage the theologies, christologies, ecclesiologies, and spiritualities of these significant individuals in their historical and ecclesial contexts, will develop appreciation for the spiritual journeys of others, and will discern and articulate their own spiritual journeys.

TH 220 Moral Theology

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. An introduction to moral decision making and moral action in light of biblical principles and changing contexts.

TH 222 Health Care Ethics

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. In this course, we will examine fundamental ethical theories, the basis of these theories in the Judeo-Christian understanding of the nature of the human person, and the application of these theories to practical matters within medicine and health care. The approach to ethics we pursue in this course will be grounded primarily in a Western philosophical and theological context, and will focus especially on the moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

TH 231 Introduction to Old Testament (WI)

Faith & Reason-Theology. This course surveys the historical, literary, cultural and theological heritage in ancient Israel from its earliest beginnings to the start of the Christian era. Attention will be paid to the geographical and historical contexts in which the Jewish scriptures arose, their social setting, political contexts and theological message. Special attention will be devoted to developing the skills necessary to interpret the texts within their own historical context as well as the possibilities that emerge from the text as a literary creation. Students will engage the multiple readings that emerged in subsequent Jewish traditions, New Testament texts and Christian traditions (Roman Catholic and Protestant). Students will acquire the skills to critically engage and interpret some of the most influential sections from the Old Testament based on the ancient context as well as appreciate the multivalent interpretations available to the contemporary reader.

TH 233 Intro to Old Testament

This course surveys the historical, literary, cultural and theological heritage in ancient Israel from its earliest beginnings to the start of the Christian era. Attention will be paid to the geographical and historical contexts in which the Jewish scriptures arose, their social setting, political contexts and theological message. Special attention will be devoted to developing the skills necessary to interpret the texts within their own historical context as well as the possibilities that emerge from the text as a literary creation. Students will engage the multiple readings that emerged in subsequent Jewish traditions, New Testament texts and Christian traditions (Roman Catholic and Protestant). Students will acquire the skills to critically engage and interpret some of the most influential sections from the Old Testament based on the ancient context as well as appreciate the multivalent interpretations available to the contemporary reader. TH 233 is not WI, writing intensive.

TH 236 Introduction to New Testament (WI)

Faith & Reason-Theology. An overview of the origins, themes, and continuing relevance of the books of the Christian Scriptures, with an emphasis on the four Gospels.

TH 237 Intro to New Testament

Faith & Reason-Theology. An overview of the origins, themes, and continuing relevance of the books of the Christian Scriptures, with an emphasis on the four Gospels. Course number TH 237 does not fulfill writing intensive requirement.

TH 251 The God Question

Faith & Reason-Theology. This course examines how "the question of God" has taken shape in the history of Christianity and how this question is being asked and re-framed today. Particular attention is given to how the tradition has forged "the God question" in terms of "transcendence"/"immanence" and how since modernity this has come to situate contemporary Christian belief in a new and deeply challenging way. In this context, the course explores contemporary ways of thinking about God that draws out the radicality of faith and its existential imperative to live/engage the God question in the challenges and ambiguities of the postmodern world.

TH 252 Theology of the Land

A study of the relationship of people and the earth, with a focus on issues of land stewardship as understood in the Bible, in the religious traditions of native peoples, and in the U.S. sociopolitical tradition.

TH 254 Theology and Science

Faith & Reason-Theology. This course examines how and why the relation of Theology and Science has taken shape in the history of Christianity, particularly in its becoming problematic since the rise of modernity. This requires a critical reflection upon philosophical positioning of these disciplines, drawing out important differences in "truth and method" while seeking a non-reductive dialogue. Based on these philosophical underpinnings, a theological re-thinking of God ("after Darwin") and of creation will be explored, both in its opportunities and challenges for contemporary Christian faith.

TH 258 TH & Gender:ImagesTradition & Discourse

Faith & Reason-Theology. This course examines how gender-with its pervasive historical-cultural meanings-has given shape to and challenged Christianity. It studies how biblical texts, religious practices and traditions, and theological discourse have been skewed through a "patriarch-ization" of Christianity. It critically examines how becoming androcentric has eclipsed the experience of women and even led to their oppression. Finally the course explores how various forms of feminist theologies attempt to incorporate the experience of women, to retrieve their contributions, and to enrich Christianity with many new and life-giving symbols, forms of thought and ways of living.

TH 261 Wealth Pov Bible Early Church

This is an exploration of the biblical theme of justice as it relates to wealth and poverty with an attention to the importance of this theme for modern Christian social ideas. Based upon readings of primary texts from the Bible and early Christianity, the course explores the potential contributions and limitations of early Christian social thought to contemporary socio-ethical discourse.

TH 263 Modern Catholic Social Teaching (WI)

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. Intermediate Writing.

A study of the cultural, political, and economic spheres of social life in the light of Catholic moral teachings, theologies, and action. Magisterial and scholarly writings from 1891 to the present receive primary emphasis.

TH 264 Theologies of Liberation(GD)

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. This course first examines the beginnings of Liberation Theology in Latin America and critically considers how this has both challenged and nourished the Christian tradition and the fundaments of theology therein. The course will then examine how this has begun to blossom into a rich variety of 'theologies of liberation' in diverse contexts throughout the world. In this context, the course explores new ways of (re)thinking Christianity as fruitfully engaging the world by 'building of the Kingdom of God' in and through the 'option for the poor'.

TH 266 Ecological Theologies

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. This course addresses a pressing concern of our time, ecological degradation from a theological perspective, which prepares students for a life of thinking critically about real-world problems from the perspective of a faith-commitment. Ecological theology is a major topic of concern (and growing) within academic theology, so this course introduces students to one of the vibrant conversations of the living tradition of Christian theology. No other course within the Theology department's offerings covers this specific focus, so this course adds range and diversity to the department's offerings. Finally, this course dovetails very well with several other academic programs at Carroll, especially Environmental Science and Anthrozoology, by asking students to think critically about the ways in which Christian faith shapes human relationships with nonhuman creatures.

TH 289 Special Topic

Faith & Reason-Theology. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

TH 289ER Special Topics

Ethical Reasoning. Faith & Reason-Theology. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

TH 289G Special Topics

TH 289N TH Special Topics (ND)

TH 341 History of Christian Thought: Early Church & Partistics

Faith & Reason-Theology. A study of major Christian doctrinal developments in their historical contexts, from the New Testament era through the Patristics.

TH 342 HCT: Middle Ages Through Reformation

Faith & Reason-Theology. A study of major Christian doctrinal developments in their historical contexts, from the Middle Ages through the Reformation.

TH 343 HCT: Modernity-Postmodernity

A study of major developments in Christian thinking in their historical contexts, from Modernity through the challenges of Postmodernity.

TH 352 Christology

Faith & Reason-Theology. An analysis of interpretations of Jesus Christ's humanity and divinity, from biblical statements to contemporary explorations.

TH 353 Trinity in Christian Life and Theology

Faith & Reason-Theology. The point of this class will be to explore the complicated but ultimately satisfying and extremely pragmatic doctrine of the Trinity misunderstood by many laity and scholars alike. We will develop a sense of the historical emergence of the doctrine, important and interesting arguments within the doctrine, and some contemporary ecclesial and ethical views.

TH 371 Discerning Ministerial Vocation

This course will provide students with a chance to reflect on ministry, its point and purpose, some of the challenges they might face in ministry, and whether ultimately the student wants to take on the responsibility of a 3-credit internship with a ministerial or religiously affiliated institutions in our area. The readings and assignments in this class will pertain to basic questions of ministry and vocation, but we will make numerous site-visits to various institutions in the area.

TH 389 Special Topic

Faith & Reason-Theology. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

TH 424 Ministering Through Vocation

This course will provide the opportunity for pre-professional students to gain credit toward a theology major or minor with an emphasis in ministry. The course will be taken alongside a student's internship, practicum, or clinical as defined by their primary major, adding to that course reflection questions pertaining to theological understandings of vocation and calling.

TH 425 Internship

Internship Experiences recognize that learning can take place outside the classroom. Carroll College allows its students to participate in opportunities that relate to their area of study. This opportunity must relate directly a student's program of study in order to qualify for an internship. Close cooperation among Carroll and the participating organizations ensures an experience that contributes significantly to the student's overall growth and professional development. Juniors and seniors in any major area may participate with the approval of faculty internship advisor and/or department chair, Career Services, and a site supervisor. Students will receive academic credit and may or may not receive monetary compensation for an internship. A student may apply a maximum of 12 semester hours to degree requirements; academic departments will determine the number of credits that may count toward the major (most majors accept 6 hours total). Enrollment in the course must be during the same semester in which the experience takes place. Interested students should contact their academic advisor and Career Services prior to the start of an experience.

TH 471 Ministry in Action

This course will be offered as a cohort course in conjunction with the Ministerial Internship (TH 425). It will foster both theological reflection on the nature of ministry and practical reflection on issues involved with ministry. In helping to develop this reflection, the structure of the course will consist of spending one day of the course per week dedicated to each type of reflective thinking. More specifically, the theological reflection will draw upon the pertinent, assigned texts, and the practical will use either the students' direct experiences within their internships or the reflection videos produced in internship curriculum. While the course will be taught from a Catholic perspective, all persons of good will are invited to participate, share, and grow in this course.

TH 485 Independent Study

Independent study is open to junior and senior students only. At the time of application, a student must have earned a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. A student may register for no more than three (3) semester hours of independent study in any one term. In all cases, registration for independent study must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

TH 495 Theology Seminar(WI)

A discussion of selected theological themes or important theologians, with contributions by students and faculty. While required of all theology majors and minors in their junior or senior year, it will also be open to other upper-level students who are non-majors upon the consent of the instructor.

TH 496 Theology Research Paper Or Project

Theology majors must develop and present for the Department of Theology a theology honor's thesis or a departmental research paper /project. The student will work with a professor in developing and fulfilling this requirement. The paper or project should provide evidence of scholarship in biblical studies, moral theology, church history, doctrine/systematics, or in another field of study as appropriate and approved by the department chair.

TH 499 Senior Thesis

The senior thesis is designed to encourage creative thinking and to stimulate individual research. A student may undertake a thesis in an area in which s/he has the necessary background. Ordinarily a thesis topic is chosen in the student's major or minor. It is also possible to choose an interdisciplinary topic. Interested students should decide upon a thesis topic as early as possible in the junior year so that adequate attention may be given to the project. In order to be eligible to apply to write a thesis, a student must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 based upon all courses attempted at Carroll College. The thesis committee consists of a director and two readers. The thesis director is a full-time Carroll College faculty member from the student's major discipline or approved by the department chair of the student's major. At least one reader must be from outside the student's major. The thesis director and the appropriate department chair must approve all readers. The thesis committee should assist and mentor the student during the entire project. For any projects involving human participants, each student and his or her director must follow the guidelines published by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Students must submit a copy of their IRB approval letter with their thesis application. As part of the IRB approval process, each student and his or her director must also complete training by the National Cancer Institute Protection of Human Participants. The thesis is typically to be completed for three (3) credits in the discipline that best matches the content of the thesis. Departments with a designated thesis research/writing course may award credits differently with approval of the Curriculum Committee. If the thesis credits exceed the full-time tuition credit limit for students, the charge for additional credits will be waived. Applications and further information are available in the Registrar's Office.