2021-2022 Academic Catalog

GNDR - Gender Studies

GNDR 189 Special Topic

Social Science. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

GNDR 206 Perspectives on Gender (ND)

Perspectives on Gender takes an interdisciplinary look at males and females in society. With rotating faculty from various departments, we will explore how various academic disciplines address gender issues. Topics covered may include: the history of the women's movement; the biological basis of gender distinctions; feminists ethics; gender representations in the media; feminist literary theory; gender and religion; issues of gender in the business world; issues of gender in science; gender issues in children's literature.

GNDR 225 Sociology of Gender

Social Science. Cultural Diversity. While there are biological differences between the sexes, in this course we will explore the social aspects of gender from a sociological perspective. From this view, gender is treated as separate from sex, because gender is the study of differing social expectations for people according to their sex. We will examine how gender is defined, constructed, and reinforced within society, and how all this relates to gender identities and gender inequality. With a critical eye on gender's social construction, we will address issues of gender acquisition and explore the interactions between gender and other socially-constructed categories such as race/ethnicity and class as well as social institutions.

GNDR 256 Gender & Work

Social Science. Cultural Diversity.

In this course, we will explore the patterns in work for men and women and the forces that have brought about and affect these patterns. Then we will consider the effects of our gendered labor market-on individuals, families, and society including inequality in the workplace, sexual harassment, promotion, earnings, and work-family conflicts. We will specifically examine the effects of gender power relations on the workplace, and consider the larger consequences of this for society. These issues will be explored through discussion, films, lecture, and activities.

GNDR 258 TH & Gender:ImagesTradition & Discourse

Faith & Reason-Theology. This course examines how gender-with its pervasive historical-cultural meanings-has given shape to and challenged Christianity. It studies how biblical texts, religious practices and traditions, and theological discourse have been skewed through a "patriarch-ization" of Christianity. It critically examines how becoming androcentric has eclipsed the experience of women and even led to their oppression. Finally the course explores how various forms of feminist theologies attempt to incorporate the experience of women, to retrieve their contributions, and to enrich Christianity with many new and life-giving symbols, forms of thought and ways of living.

GNDR 261 Philosophy & Gender

Faith & Reason-Philosophy. Ethical Reasoning.

An investigation of main concepts and key issues at the heart of gender feminist studies. Particular attention is devoted to the examination of major theories, their specific contributions, their critique, and the broad spectrum of perspectives at stake.

GNDR 280 Gender Communication (ND)

Social Science. Cultural Diversity. Students will examine the interactive relationships between gender and communication in contemporary American society. Course will explore ways that communication creates and perpetuates gender roles and how socially created gender roles are enacted in public and private settings. Students will connect research to everyday lives.

GNDR 289 Special Topic

Social Science. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

GNDR 309 Gender History

Arts & Letters-History. While feminism, masculinity, and gender as fields of study within the discipline of History are relative newcomers, complex and varied interactions among people have existed since our first human ancestors. Beginning with a short Introduction to the science of sex and gender we consider the possibility that while there may be two chromosomal sexes, constructs of gender are more complex and nuanced. Throughout the semester we will consider the many ways in which notions of women, men and gender are shaped by a broad range of forces including history, culture, religion, and place, as well as how gender norms and expectations have shaped the world and its peoples. Utilizing a wide variety of sources including scholarly texts, art, literature, social media, and film, we will together consider questions of feminism and masculinity, the body and sexuality, marriage, faith and much more as not only integral to a better understanding of history but also part of conversations currently taking place among people all over the world.

GNDR 310 Human Sexuality

Social Science. This course will examine human sexuality from a biopsychosocial perspective. We will consider the biological, psychological, and social factors that influence sexual behaviors, attitudes, and values. We will gain an understanding of the diversity of sexual behaviors and lifestyles, particularly focusing on human sexuality in the United States. Students will enhance their critical thinking skills through the investigation of scientific evidence for each of the topics covered. Finally, this course requires openness and respect of diverse perspectives to enable students to explore and develop their unique views about human sexuality.

GNDR 389 Special Topic

Social Science. Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

GNDR 389CD Special Topic

Social Science. Cultural Diversity.

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

GNDR 410 Women's Literature (ND)

Arts & Letters-Literature. Cultural Diversity.

A study of literature written by women, exploring what it means when wom en become the center of their own stories. The subtitle of the course will help define the focus: it may focus on writings by women from Britain, the U.S., any ethnic and/or national group, or a combination of any of the above. The course may focus on one century, a more limited historical period, or span several. Feminist literary and cultural theory may be an added focus. Writers may include: Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Kate Chopin, Virginia Woolf, Adrienne Rich, Maxine Hong Kingston, Toni Morrison, Louise Erdrich, Sandra Cisneros, Gloria Anzaldua.

GNDR 425 Internship

Internship Experiences recognize that learning can take place outside the classroom. Carroll College allows its students to participate in opportunities that relate to their area of study. This opportunity must relate directly a student's program of study in order to qualify for an internship. Close cooperation among Carroll and the participating organizations ensures an experience that contributes significantly to the student's overall growth and professional development. Juniors and seniors in any major area may participate with the approval of faculty internship advisor and/or department chair, Career Services, and a site supervisor. Students will receive academic credit and may or may not receive monetary compensation for an internship. A student may apply a maximum of 12 semester hours to degree requirements; academic departments will determine the number of credits that may count toward the major (most majors accept 6 hours total). Enrollment in the course must be during the same semester in which the experience takes place. Interested students should contact their academic advisor and Career Services prior to the start of an experience.

GNDR 485 Independent Study

Independent study is open to junior and senior students only. At the time of application, a student must have earned a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. A student may register for no more than three (3) semester hours of independent study in any one term. In all cases, registration for independent study must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

GNDR 489 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

GNDR 499 Senior Thesis

The senior thesis is designed to encourage creative thinking and to stimulate individual research. A student may undertake a thesis in an area in which s/he has the necessary background. Ordinarily a thesis topic is chosen in the student's major or minor. It is also possible to choose an interdisciplinary topic. Interested students should decide upon a thesis topic as early as possible in the junior year so that adequate attention may be given to the project. In order to be eligible to apply to write a thesis, a student must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25 based upon all courses attempted at Carroll College. The thesis committee consists of a director and two readers. The thesis director is a full-time Carroll College faculty member from the student's major discipline or approved by the department chair of the student's major. At least one reader must be from outside the student's major. The thesis director and the appropriate department chair must approve all readers. The thesis committee should assist and mentor the student during the entire project. For any projects involving human participants, each student and his or her director must follow the guidelines published by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Students must submit a copy of their IRB approval letter with their thesis application. As part of the IRB approval process, each student and his or her director must also complete training by the National Cancer Institute Protection of Human Participants. The thesis is typically to be completed for three (3) credits in the discipline that best matches the content of the thesis. Departments with a designated thesis research/writing course may award credits differently with approval of the Curriculum Committee. If the thesis credits exceed the full-time tuition credit limit for students, the charge for additional credits will be waived. Applications and further information are available in the Registrar's Office.