2022-2023 Academic Catalog

Interpretation of Letter Grades

The grading system in use is an alphabetical system using the letters A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, I, P, W, NR and AU. The option for +/- grading went into effect beginning with academic year 2015-2016. Grades are interpreted as follows:

A/A- indicates excellence of performance in every aspect of the course

B+/B/B- indicates a better than satisfactory but less than excellent performance in every aspect of the course

C+/C/C- indicates a satisfactory performance in every aspect of the course

D indicates a less than satisfactory performance in some or all aspects of the course

F indicates serious deficiencies in some or all aspects of the course

I incomplete is given only under unusual circumstances which cause a delay in a student’s completion of a course. The student must be doing passing work after 60% of the course has been completed before an “I“ (incomplete) may be given. The student must make specific arrangements including completion date (no later than the end of the following semester) with the faculty member for the completion of the course. A formal written Request for Grade of Incomplete must be filed in the Office of the Registrar before the assignment of the grade as incomplete

P pass—indicates the requirements for receiving credit for a course have been met.

W withdrawal NR not reported

AU audit student—no credit or grade.