CATH COCURR Co-Curricular Activities
Catholic Studies students are expected to participate in three types of co-curricular activities. Majors must complete three per academic year, and minors two, to graduate in the program. Examples will include academic lectures, symphonies, a Latin Mass, a trip to an art gallery, Campus Ministry group or retreat; service project coordinated with the Hunthausen Center for Peace and Justice. The required Co-Curricular activities will be tracked by each student every semester, reviewed by the CSP program director, and recorded once during the student's senior year, in a 0-credit, required course, called CATH COCURR. Events would be identified by the program director to majors and minors in the program. Students will submit a record of their activities for the year and include a brief reflection of how their efforts and activities contributed or enhanced their understanding of Catholic Studies, and/or their studies in their classes. The reflection should conclude with some questions the activities left the student with.
Even Year Fall Semester