ENGR 302 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics

Equilibrium of bodies under the action of forces. Force systems and resultants; equilibrium of mechanical systems; trusses, frames, and machines; centroids and centers of mass; shear and moments in beams; hydrostatics; friction; and virtual work. Introduction to mechanics of solids and computer analysis of structures, as time permits. Emphasis on solving practical engineering problems in complete, documented style.

ENGR 303 Engineering Mechanics II: Solids

An introduction to the mechanics of deformable solids. Topics covered include stress, strain, rotation-of-axes transformations, constitutive relations, equilibrium, compatibility requirements, stability, and deformation of structural elements. Uni-axial, torsion, bending, and shear loads on and deformations of prismatic bars are also studied together with Euler buckling of slender columns. Three credits of lecture. Three credits of lecture.

ENGR 304 Engineering Mechanics III: Dynamics

Motions of bodies under the action of forces; kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; work-energy and impulse-momentum; area and mass moments of inertia. Emphasis on solving practical engineering problems in complete, documented style.

ENGR 305 Electronics/Circuit Anlys I

behavior of electrical circuits. Review of current, voltage, and passive circuit elements (resistors, capacitors, and inductors). Kirchhoff's Laws, network theorems, and basic network analysis. General characteristics of amplifiers and electronic instrumentation. Introduction to operational amplifiers and active elements (transistors). Laplace transform analysis of transient (switching) response, and complex phasor analysis of sinusoidal steady-state response. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week, in which students build and test circuits and learn how to use typical circuit simulation software (PSPICE).

ENGR 305L Electronic/CircuitAnlys I Lab

Electronics and Circuit Analysis I Lab. An introductory survey of the behavior of electrical circuits. Review of current, voltage, and passive circuit elements (resistors, capacitors, and inductors). Kirchhoff's Laws, network theorems, and basic network analysis. General characteristics of amplifiers and electronic instrumentation. Introduction to operational amplifiers and active elements (transistors). Laplace transform analysis of transient (switching) response, and complex phasor analysis of sinusoidal steady-state response. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week, in which students build and test circuits and learn how to use typical circuit simulation software (PSPICE).

ENGR 306 Electronics/Circuit Anlys II

A continuation of ENGR/PHYS 305. Systematic node-voltage and mesh-current methods of circuit analysis. Net-work transfer functions and frequency spectra. Mutual inductance and transformers. Diode circuits and the behavior of single-transistor amplifiers using field-effect or bipolar-junction transistors. Analysis and design of digital logic circuits. Principles of operation and interfacing of typical laboratory instruments. Three hours lecture and one 2-hour laboratory per week.

ENGR 307 Fluid Mechanics (WI)

A first course in fluid mechanics for engineering majors. Topics covered include fluid properties, fluid statics, fluid in motion, pressure variations in fluid flows, momentum principles in fluid flow, fluid energy principles, surface resistance and headloss, flow in conduits, flow measurements, drag, and lift. Classroom theory is put into practice with three laboratory sessions. Laboratory reports are used in providing writing intensive instruction with instructor feedback on student submissions. Two and one-half credits of lecture and one-half credit of laboratory.

ENGR 309 Geotechnical Engineering

This 3.5-hour course is the application of civil engineering principles to earth materials, including soil, rock, and some man-made materials that are like soil. Geotechnical Engineering has its roots in geology, which is where this course begins but then moves quickly to topics of interest to the engineer, including the characteristics and classifications of soils and rock, and their mechanical properties such as stress and strain, compaction, compressibility, shear strength, cohesion, permeability, and stability. In addition, the student will be introduced to the science of site exploration and safety. A weekly lab helps to emphasize these topics. Two hours of lecture and one and a half hour of laboratory per week.

ENGR 310 Structures I

This is the first in a series of 3 courses in structural analysis and design. The primary objective of this course is to introduce the principles and methods of analysis for trusses, beams, and frames so that students develop the understanding and the skills necessary to analyze and design statically determinate as well as statically indeterminate structures. While emphasis is on modern computer methods of analysis, elementary methods are also studied so students gain an understanding and "feel" for the behavior of structures.

ENGR 311 Matrix Methods for Structures

This course introduces students to matrix methods for analyzing determinate and indeterminate plane truss and plane frame structures, and how these methods are implemented on a computer. The programming architecture used in modern structural analysis programs is presented. This includes: 1) Input of the geometry of the structure, material properties of members, and loads; 2) assembly of the system equations to be solved; 3) solving the system equations for basic unknowns; 4) recovering values of interest from the values for the basic unknowns; and 5) generating output of the results. Students work with the instructor to develop programs to analyze a resistive electrical circuit network, a plane truss, and a plane frame. The programs are tested using problems that have solutions available to test the programs.

ENGR 313 Hydrology

This three-credit course is an introduction to the fundamentals of hydrologic science. The components of the hydrologic cycle, including precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, groundwater, and surface water are studied. The need and methods for collecting basic data for the components are presented. The primary focus is to learn and understand how the components of the hydrologic cycle interact to produce surface runoff and streamflow. The purpose of the course is to present methods for solving typical engineering problems relating to water management and design considering both water scarcity and flooding.

ENGR 315 Transportation Engineering I

This course covers vehicle characteristics, geometric design of highways, earthwork calculations, pavement design, networks, and statistical applications in transportation. Two class hours per week.

ENGR 323 Water Quality

This two-credit course teaches sampling methods, analytical techniques, and principles associated with environmental engineering applications. Topics include designing a sampling, groundwater and surface water sampling, field methods, carbonate equilibrium, isotope applications, pathogens in public water, and groundwater and surface-water contamination issues. Students will be guided through these topics with homework problems, field excursions, assigned readings, handouts, guest speakers, and exams. Two hours of lecture and field experiences per week.

ENGR 324 Air Quality

This two-credit course will provide engineering students with sufficient background and tools to understand the principle issues associated with air quality. They will gain an understanding of the science of air pollution and the pollutants of concern, including greenhouse gases, and their chemistry. Students will understand the structure and why laws were formed and needed to regulate the air industry. Students will have experience with air-quality monitoring and the equipment used. Students interested in air quality will be able to be trainable in air quality methods and evaluations.

ENGR 325 Hydrogeology

This three-credit course is a basic junior-level hydrogeology course with fundamentals as the primary focus. Students taking the course will be prepared to work in industry and solve problems associated with groundwater resources, environmental clean-up, restoration, and protection of water rights. An emphasis is placed on applications. For this reason, the course is ideally suited to professionals who work in the Helena area, such as personnel at DEQ, DNRC, and other state agencies. Topics include groundwater flow and hydraulic head, aquifer tests and analysis, including slug testing, water-quality applications are emphasized. Class activities include weekly homework problems, lectures, applied problems, exams, and a design project. Three hours of lecture per week.

ENGR 326 Energy and the Environment (GD)

Cultural Diversity. This three-credit course will look at the role that energy plays in our modern world. Students will learn about the physics of energy so that they can calculate the energy content of a variety of systems, such as: gasoline, other fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, wind, bio mass and so on. Applications of the energy schemes in our lives will then be explored. We will discuss the global use and needs of energy and the environmental problems that have resulted from energy development and how we can improve our community and the world. Three hours of lecture and field trips per week.

ENGR 327 Land & Stream Restoration

This three-credit course strives to provide a knowledge and understanding of the current land and stream restoration practices. To achieve this objective, students participate in filed excursions, study earth moving methods and equipment, analyze soil erosion processes, design hydrologic control structures, and study revegetation and stream restoration methods. Three hours of lecture and field experiences per week.

ENGR 329 Public Health & Environment

This course provides students with an introduction to and overview of the key areas and principles of environmental health. Students will gain an understanding of 1) the interaction between individuals, communities, and the environment, 2) the impacts of various environmental agents on the health of the public, and 3) specific applications of environmental health and environmental engineering. Topics to be covered include environmental policy and regulation, agents of environmental disease, and practices for water quality, air quality, food safety and waste disposal.

ENGR 333 Engineering & Public Health

ENGR 342 Thermal Physics

An introduction to classical thermodynamics and statistical descriptions of many-particle systems. The first five weeks of the course provide an introduction to thermodynamics: definition of the fundamental state variables (temperature, pressure, energy, enthalpy, entropy) and formulation of the three laws of thermodynamics. Subsequent topics include diffusion and the random-walk problem, characterization of statistical ensembles and the meaning of equilibrium, partition functions, free energies, and entropy. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for classical systems is contrasted with the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions of quantum-mechanical systems. Three hours lecture per week.

ENGR 389 Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

ENGR 389A Water Quality

ENGR 389B Land & Stream Restoration

ENGR 389G Special Topic

Special Topics courses include ad-hoc courses on various selected topics that are not part of the regular curriculum, however they may still fulfill certain curricular requirements. Special topics courses are offered at the discretion of each department and will be published as part of the semester course schedule - view available sections for more information. Questions about special topics classes can be directed to the instructor or department chair.

ENGR 395 Spanning the Ages:History/Structure(GD) Spanning the Ages: (gd)

This a 16 day study abroad to trace the history of structural design in Europe from the time of the Mycenaean civilization in Greece (~1600 BC) through the Industrial Revolution (~1850 AD) to include the Golden Age of Greece, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. The course will also study the civilizations and cultures that persisted during each era of structural advancement through the period of study. Art, government structures, social structures, and the economics of Western European civilizations and their interconnec- tions with advancement of structural designs are also studied, together with the rise and fall of several empires and cultures in Western Europe. During the study abroad program, students visit four major European cities (Athens, Rome, Paris, and London), as well as less urban areas in Italy (Florence) and in the United Kingdom (Wales). Students will see West- ern Europe in its modern contexts of art, culture, and social structures. The importance of various structures in the contexts of the history and modern circumstances in Europe are also studied. Students will also be guided in developing their international travel skills. The course will consist of 4 pre-trip preparation classes in April, the study abroad program, and the follow-up submission of a travel and study journal together with an exploration and discovery paper.