SP 301 Spanish Conversation

Oral Communications, Cultural Diversity. This class provides students with opportunities to develop their speaking performance and presentation skills expected in advanced courses. The class acts as a bridge between lower division and upper-division Spanish courses. It improves student's spoken facility with Spanish through listening, reading, and extensive, open and authentic dialogue. The course also introduces students to idiomatic words, phrases, and expressions used in the Spanish world. This course is conducted in Spanish.

SP 303 Power and Culture: Utopias and Dystopias

Cultural Diversity. Power and Culture: Utopias and Dystopias in the Hispanic World. This course serves as a bridge between the Acquisition of Spanish courses (I-IV) and upper-division Spanish courses. This course is an introduction to the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world of the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas. Students learn about the key events and the fundamental ideas and themes running through the cultures of Spain and Latin America across the centuries as well as introductory literary selections representative of the different periods. Class discussions focus on processes of conquest and colonialism, nation formation, modernization, and on the changing roles of religion, race and gender. Through discussions, presentations, written response papers and exams, students learn to critically read and understand Spanish-speaking cultures, and to develop original arguments.

SP 305 Literary Perspectives Hispanic World

Cultural Diversity, Arts & Letters-Literature. Literary Perspectives from the Hispanic World. This course provides an introduction to Spanish-language literature and to the analysis of cultural texts. During the semester, students will learn how to read both critically and creatively, analyzing the strategies that different authors use to express their ideas, create their literary worlds, and engage the reader. The course will focus on interpretation in both oral and written form. The analytical approach presented in this course will prepare students for more advanced classes in literature and culture. The course aims, then, to expose students to a wide range of Spanish-language texts and encourage learners to create more critical, insightful and engaging readings of texts.

SP 306 Adv Spanish Grammar & Composition CD/WI

Cultural Diversity, Advanced Writing. Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition. This course is designed to strengthen students' comprehension and application of the most challenging grammatical structures for second language learners within a meaningful written language context. This objective will be accomplished through a thorough review and practice of problematic grammatical structures, and the application of these structures in writing and discussion sessions. Students will learn to write creatively as well as in both expository and argumentative formats. The course will be conducted in Spanish.

SP 320 Spanish for the Health Professions

This course is conducted in Spanish and is designed for students who have a particular interest in using Spanish in a workplace environment. The selected topic will give students a foundation in the vocabulary of either business, public service or the health professions. The course will aid in the expression of basic concepts in Spanish along with expressions of non-verbal communication and cultural norms. It will cover specific career/vocation-oriented information related to the field in Spanish. Additionally, the course will address the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in the context of international discourse. This course is conducted in Spanish. Offered at the discretion of the department.

SP 350 Cultural Immersion Experience

Cultural Diversity. Cultural Immersion Experience. This program consists of three levels of proficiency: SP 150 for students with no prior knowledge or experience with Spanish, SP 250 for students who have successfully completed SP 102 or have the equivalent knowledge or experience with Spanish, and SP 350 for students who have successfully completed SP 204 or have the equivalent knowledge or experience with Spanish. The program offers the student the opportunity to become immersed in the Spanish language while experiencing the cultural and societal conditions of the country where the program takes place. The methods used in this program are intended to foster the acquisition of Spanish both in and out of the classroom. The acquisition will take place through students' and teachers' active interaction with the language and daily life in the host country. Students will read, write, and speak Spanish on a daily basis and will be required to analyze social, political, and cultural aspects of their surroundings. Through this process, students also will have the opportunity to develop new perspectives with regard to peoples of other cultures and a point of comparison upon which to base questions of human existence.