2022-2023 Academic Catalog

TH 266 Ecological Theologies

Ethical Reasoning, Faith & Reason-Theology. This course addresses a pressing concern of our time, ecological degradation from a theological perspective, which prepares students for a life of thinking critically about real-world problems from the perspective of a faith-commitment. Ecological theology is a major topic of concern (and growing) within academic theology, so this course introduces students to one of the vibrant conversations of the living tradition of Christian theology. No other course within the Theology department's offerings covers this specific focus, so this course adds range and diversity to the department's offerings. Finally, this course dovetails very well with several other academic programs at Carroll, especially Environmental Science and Anthrozoology, by asking students to think critically about the ways in which Christian faith shapes human relationships with nonhuman creatures.




Take 1 Philosophical Reasoning course. Take 1 Cultural Diversity course. Take TH 101.




Odd Year Spring Semester