Carroll College has adapted for use the American College Health Association’s General Statement on Institutional Response to AIDS/ HIV. Carroll College does not deny admission or hiring on the basis of the existence of the HIV virus. Persons with the HIV infection are not denied access to college facilities, including housing. Reasonable concern for the health of infected students, however, may suggest in certain circumstances the provision of a private room. Individuals with AIDS are considered to be handicapped under federal and state laws, and the college will take such action as is necessary to ensure the protection of their legal rights.
Students with HIV infection should consult with their physicians and are strongly encouraged to inform campus health personnel so that they may alert them to special risks and to support them in their situation. The college will not undertake campus-wide mandatory testing of employees or students for the antibody to HIV. The College Health Center will provide information and HIV testing for concerned individuals and maintain strict confidentiality. Since blood and body fluids should be treated as potentially infectious, all faculty, staff and students should be prepared to follow universal precautions when exposed to these fluids.
At Carroll, health records are treated as confidential. No information about HIV infection will be provided to faculty or administrators without the written consent of the infected individual in each case. There is generally no medical or other reason to inform students in a residence hall, classroom, or dining hall of the presence of persons with HIV infection. The College will observe public health reporting requirements and report cases of AIDS to public health authorities.