ES 380 Soil Genesis and Classification
An introduction to the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soils; the origin, classification, and distribution of soils and their influence on people and food production; the management and conservation of soils; and the environmental impact of soil use. Units on soil geomorphology, engineering soils, and a week-long field trip (May) will provide students a broad understanding and exposure to the various ways to investigate, describe, and classify soils, as well as how to apply knowledge of soils in a range of disciplines.
Take Earth Science as ES-111 or as EAS-101 and take ES-133L, Field Ecology Lab or
BI 123, Fndns of Ecology and Diversity and
BI 132, Physiology and Ecology Lab. Take CH-101 with lab.
Take CH-102 and lab.
Odd Year Spring Semester