2021-2022 Academic Catalog

FR 295 Franco-American Institute (CD GD)

Cultural Diversity. This course facilitates cross-cultural exchange and collaboration through a comparative analysis of two case studies, those of the United States and France. The course will first provide students with basic historical backgrounds of these two case studies. We will then examine the ways in which this history informs global issues today, focusing in on both the local case studies of Montana and Le Havre, and looking outwards as to how the United States and France interact with the world more broadly. The course is conducted in English, and co-taught by professors from Carroll College and the Université du Havre in France. Enrolled students will be both from the Université du Havre and from Carroll College. Although the course is conducted entirely online, we meet regularly via remote instruction, and privilege intercultural and international exchange between the French and American students. Students are placed early on with a partner, with whom they are expected to meet on a regular basis to discuss the current course readings and lectures, and to share their distinct perspectives on the issues. Each semester will select a more specific focus for this cross-cultural exchange; examples include globalization, gastronomy, and second language learning. Offered at the discretion of the French & Francophone Studies Program. The course is conducted in English.




Take CORE-110 or HNR-150 or an OC, Oral Communication, course previously or concurrently.




At the Discretion of the Dept At the Discretion of the Dept