SA 375 Study Abroad Affiliate Program

Recognizing the value of a global experience, and in the spirit of cross-cultural inquiry, Education Abroad offers students the opportunity to interact within the cultural milieu of another country, or countries, through a variety of programs. For a complete list of education abroad opportunities, please see the Education Abroad section of this catalogue. Coordinated by the Global Education Office, faculty-led programs developed according to academic area of expertise, or through demonstrated significant personal/professional knowledge and experience within the country, or countries, to be visited. Specific academic requirements for credit within faculty-led program generally include pre-program readings and meetings with the faculty director(s) involved, a journal chronicling the experience, and a final academic paper. Individual academic departments offering course credit for Education Abroad experiences will specify additional requirements and protocols. Course may be repeated for credit with approval of departments involved. BA 395, HI 242, An Elusive Peace, Study Abroad to the Middle East (Israel, the Palestinian Territories, and Jordan), summer semester, odd-numbered years and ENGR 395,Spanning the Ages (Europe) fulfill Global Diversity requirement. Students studying on a semester-long program will register for 12 credits in the appropriate course number. For the most up to date information regarding education abroad offerings, please visit St Charles Hall, room 105 or contact us at


1.00 - 12.00
