SP 203 Acquisition of Spanish III (CD)(GD)(ND)

Oral Communications, Cultural Diversity. SP 203-204 Acquisition of Spanish III and IV. These two classes form a one-year intermediate Spanish sequence and are designed to continue students' development of language acquisition by listening, writing, reading and speaking in Spanish. Emphasis will be placed on communicative performance in the target language through discussion of current events as well as cultural, political, economic and social topics. Learners will acquire the structural foundations of language through an authentic communicative context.

SP 204 Acquisition of Spanish IV (CD)(GD)(ND)

Oral Communications, Cultural Diversity. SP 203-204 Acquisition of Spanish III and IV. These two classes form a one-year intermediate Spanish sequence and are designed to continue students' development of language acquisition by listening, writing, reading and speaking in Spanish. Emphasis will be placed on communicative performance in the target language through discussion of current events as well as cultural, political, economic and social topics. Learners will acquire the structural foundations of language through an authentic communicative context.

SP 250 Intensive Spanish Immersion Abroad

Oral Communications. Cultural Diversity.

This program consists of three levels of proficiency: SP 150 for students with no prior knowledge or experience with Spanish, SP 250 for students who have successfully completed SP 102 or have the equivalent knowledge or experience with Spanish, and SP 350 for students who have successfully completed SP 204 or have the equivalent knowledge or experience with Spanish. The program offers the student the opportunity to become immersed in the Spanish language while experiencing the cultural and societal conditions of the country where the program takes place. The methods used in this program are intended to foster the acquisition of Spanish both in and out of the classroom. The acquisition will take place through students' and teachers' active interaction with the language and daily life in the host country. Students will read, write, and speak Spanish on a daily basis and will be required to analyze social, political, and cultural aspects of their surroundings. Through this process, students also will have the opportunity to develop new perspectives with regard to peoples of other cultures and a point of comparison upon which to base questions of human existence.