CORE 400 Core Capstone
The Catholic intellectual tradition seeks a unity of thought such that no discipline stands or should desire to stand alone. As the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities states, "[t]he Catholic Tradition is born out of the search for encompassing truths that create a unity that comprehends everything knowable by human reason."
CORE-400: Vocation and Enlightenment contributes to this unity of thought by integrating a student's Core Curriculum.
CORE-400 will exist as a 1-credit add-on linked to an existing major course -- a departmental capstone, seminar, or another advanced course of a department's choosing. The final assignment for Vocation and Enlightenment will be an approximately 1,500 word paper that draws on the student's previous Core courses and assignments to establish a point of integration. Students will (1) show how their study of one discipline challenged or supported their study of others and (2) apply an integrative perspective to the analysis of a complex issue.
Take one ER, ethical reasoning, course previously or concurrently.
Annual Fall & Spring Semesters