2021-2022 Student Handbook

Campus Housing Policies

The following regulations are enacted to create a safe and healthy living and learning community at Carroll College. The regulations are instituted, enforced and adjudicated by the Department of Residential Life & Housing. Alleged violations of these regulations, or any policies identified in this Student Handbook, may be referred by the Department of Residential Life & Housing to the student conduct process outlined in the Carroll Code of Student Conduct. A sanction of suspension or expulsion from the College is believed to be possible by the Department of Residential Life & Housing or referred to a peer review process that determines responsibility and recommends sanctions up to the level of suspension or expulsion.


Although hallways in the residence halls are recognized as good gathering spaces and invite social interaction, it is not a good space for physical activities. Any physical sport activity is prohibited in the residence halls because of damage, personal safety, and noise.


Because the presence of animals causes concern for allergens, safety, and maintenance, the only animals allowed in a resident’s room are fish, to be kept in an aquarium of no larger than a five-gallon capacity. Special accommodation may be made for students with disabilities who rely on assistance animals as required by law, approved emotional support animals (ESAs) or students training a service dog through the College’s Anthrozoology Canine Training program. Violators will be required to remove the animal within 24 hours. The cost of professional cleaning will be applied to the student account of any student who has evidence of having an animal in their room. Failure to remove an animal will result in animal control being contacted.


Irons, hot pots, popcorn poppers, small microwaves, small refrigerators, and coffee pots are allowed. Appliances with an open heating element such as hot plates, grills, electric woks, toaster ovens, ovens, or electric fry pans, as well as private washing machines and dryers are not allowed in residence hall rooms. Students are allowed to have refrigerators of not more than 4.5 cubic feet in their rooms.

Bathrooms/Showers, Use of

Bathrooms and showers in campus housing and college facilities are gender-specified. For safety and privacy reasons, Carroll students and their guests are not allowed to use opposite-gender bathrooms and showers.


Bicycles may be stored in the resident’s room or in bicycle racks, or specific storage areas designated by the college for bike storage. They may not be left in hallways, stairwells, balconies, or laundry rooms. Bicycles that are left in places not designated by the college for bike storage will be removed. If the bike is locked, the lock will be cut and the bike removed. The college assumes no responsibility for replacing a bike lock that is cut. After 30 days without being claimed, the bike will be considered abandoned and disposed of at the discretion of the college. All bikes are required to be registered with the College. (See Bicycle Registration.)

Check-in/Check-out of Residence Hall

Upon occupancy of the designated room, the resident must complete and sign a room condition report with his/her Resident Assistant (RA) BEFORE moving any personal items into the room. This condition report describes the condition of the room, and is used to reflect any damages or charges to be made upon checkout. The resident is responsible for reviewing and comparing the condition of the room to the condition noted in the inventory. Discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the staff person checking the resident in and noted on the inventory. The resident vacating a residence hall room must arrange to be officially checked out of the space. An appointment must be made at least 24 hours in advance with the appropriate RA. Students must remove all personal belongings when checking out of the room and the room must be returned to its original condition. The college will dispose of any unclaimed personal belongings after 90 days. Any charges incurred to remove, store or dispose of a resident’s property will be assessed to the resident. Keys and security cards must be returned and the room condition report signed at the time of check out. Students must officially check out within 24 hours of their last final exam or cancellation of contract. Failure to follow the check-in/ check-out policy will result in an improper checkout and a $50 fine.

Courtesy Hours

As Carroll College is first and foremost a place for learning and study, courtesy hours—as far as moderating noise levels—are always in effect. At no time, does anyone have the right to make as much noise as he or she may want to make while on campus because an atmosphere conducive to study must be maintained. Respect for neighbors and others should be taken into account at all times. Students can be asked at any time to lower their noise level and/or discontinue the loud activity. Students who own amplifiers for musical instruments must ensure that those amplifiers are not to be used during quiet hours and are moderated during courtesy hours.


Charges for damages or missing items from residence rooms will be made to the resident’s student account. Charges for community spaces and items (including hallways, lounges, furniture, etc.) will be shared by the members of the building or hall community if the individual responsible for the damages is not identified; costs of repair or replacement will be placed on student accounts. A resident has 10 days to appeal the charge of damages once notified of the charge (by electronic billing sent via the Area Coordinator in the student’s hall). Charges will not be reversed after the 10-day deadline. Appeals of charges are made first to the Area Coordinator in charge of the building, then to the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing. Appeals must be made in writing (email is preferred).


Dartboards and darts are not allowed in residents’ rooms because of the potential for bodily harm and for damage to the residence hall rooms.


Decorations in windows and on doors must reflect the spirit of the Carroll College Mission Statement and Code of Student Conduct. Public display of alcohol signs in windows is not allowed. Inappropriate decorations or displays visible from the hallways or from outside the building are prohibited. All decorations must be in compliance with the fire code. Only artificial Christmas trees are allowed in residence hall rooms or hallways. Decorations may not be hung from sprinkler pipes, or within 18” of any sprinkler head.


Propping of external doors is prohibited due to the safety/security risk it can create for residents.

Electrical Equipment

Any tampering with electrical equipment (breaker boxes, outlets, elevators, etc.) is prohibited. No electrical outlet is to be overloaded so as to cause repeated tripping of circuit breakers.

Emergency Protocol Guides

Each classroom, office, residence hall room and campus apartment is furnished with an Emergency Protocol Guide (EPG) on the back of the door. These guides are intended to inform the Carroll community of protocol, and to give direction in the case of a campus crisis. These guides need to stay in their locations and are not to be removed, unless in use for an emergency, and then they must be returned immediately. Disciplinary action may be taken with any faculty, staff or student found in possession of Emergency Protocol Guides outside of an emergency situation. Residence hall students and apartment tenants whose EPGs are not in their rooms at the time of checkout will be assessed the current replacement fee (approximately $50).

Fire Prevention

To safeguard the safety of students, all residence halls have fire and smoke detection systems. The safety of the resident communities is paramount, and any behavior or negligence that puts that community at risk will be regarded in a serious manner and dealt with through the conduct process.

  • Fire Alarm and Fire Equipment: Any tampering with fire alarms, hoses, extinguishers, or a fire escape is prohibited by state law and college regulations. Removal of a smoke detector battery or tampering with a hard-wired smoke detector from a room in campus housing is subject to a $50 fine for each resident. Tampering with fire alarms and fire equipment will result in a $500 fine for each student involved.
  • Fire Drill: Each residence hall has a fire drill plan. The RAs will inform all students of the appropriate procedures and precautions to be taken in case of fire or other emergency. Each semester a fire drill will be held in each hall. Failure to leave the building will result in disciplinary response.
  • Fire Hazards: All residents must maintain their rooms in a manner that will not constitute a fire hazard.
  • Sprinkler Pipes: Students are not allowed to hang any objects from the sprinkler pipes, or within 18 inches of the sprinkler head.
  • Candles: Candles and heating elements for non-burning candles are not permitted in the residence halls.
  • Incense: Incense and potpourri are not allowed to be burned in campus housing
  • Black Lights: These lights are not permitted in the residence halls because they operate at higher temperatures than standard light bulbs.
  • Chemicals and Explosives: Chemicals and explosives including com- bustion engines and flammable or explosive liquids are not permitted in the residence halls. This includes materials and devices which by themselves, or when combined, could be explosive, toxic, flammable, or dangerous.
  • Halogen Lamps: These lamps are safe if used appropriately. These lights are equipped with an extremely hot bulb and if any cloth, paper, or combustible item comes in contact with, or is even in close proximity to the bulb, it may cause a fire. Please keep these lights in an area of the room that will keep them free standing and not in contact with or in close proximity to anything else.
  • Extension cords: Not allowed. Only power strips with surge protection are allowed.
  • Please see the “Appliances” portion of the housing policies for more information on prohibited and permitted devices.


Furniture provided by the college must remain in that room and may not be removed. The college will not store any furniture assigned to a room, which a resident does not want. Students may supplement college furniture with their own, but they are responsible for the removal of all supplemental furniture upon termination of residency. Due to fire hazard, any furniture left in the hallway will be removed and residents will be billed the replacement cost of these items.

Public areas are furnished for the comfort and convenience of all. Furnishings in lounges or other common areas are college property and must remain in the common areas where placed and are not permitted in students’ rooms. Removal of furniture from common areas can be considered theft. Student(s) found with college furniture may be charged for the cost of the furniture.

Guest Policy

All guests to the residence halls are required to present identification upon request and to follow all school policies. Any guests who fail to present identification or to act appropriately will be removed from the campus and not allowed to return. Residents of the building will be held responsible for the behavior of their guest(s).

No visitor under 18 years old is allowed in the residence halls unless that person is a member of the immediate family of a resident student and has been approved in advance by the Area Coordinator.

In order to promote students’ right to privacy and right to study and sleep, Carroll College has set visitation expectations for students and their guests. When living in community, respect for privacy and times of a quiet environment for study and sleep is important for all members of that community.

Overnight guests must be the same gender as the residents of the room and are restricted to a two-night stay. Residents are prohibited from allowing anyone who is not contracted to live in the room to become a temporary or semi-permanent resident of the room (including other students and non-students).

Violations of this policy may result in loss of visitation privileges for both student hosts and guests.


All residents must maintain their rooms in a manner that will not constitute a health hazard. Health and Safety checks may be performed by Residential Life & Housing staff.

Housing Agreement Termination

The Reservation and Housing Agreement will be terminated if the resident withdraws from the college during or at the end of the semester, or is suspended or dismissed from the college or the residence halls for disciplinary reasons. Persons not enrolled in classes may not reside in the residence halls. Student must either be taking a minimum of 12 credits or get permission from the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing. The student is still responsible for any financial obligations incurred in accordance with this agreement. Rooms are contracted and assigned on the expectation that the student will occupy the room for the Fall and Spring Semesters. Refund and penalties for cancellation or termination of the agreement are as follows:

Between the reservation date and August 3, a cancellation fee of $600 will be posted to the student’s account (except in the case of a full withdrawal from the college).

After August 3, if the contract is not fulfilled the following applies:

  1. Exceptions granted from Residential Life & Housing after August 3 will result in a cancellation fee of $600 posted to the student’s account.
  2. After the first day of occupancy when a student withdraws from the college, room charges are refunded in accordance with the tuition refund policy (See Carroll College Catalog). Students who leave the residence halls for other reasons will not receive a refund.

No refunds will be issued after the last three weeks of any semester.

Housing Requirement

Carroll College considers resident living on campus as part of the college’s unique educational experience. All unmarried, non-parenting students who have not resided in campus housing for two years are required to reside in the college residence halls. Only the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing may grant exceptions to this policy based on the following circumstances:

  • Extreme financial need, verified by the college Financial Aid Office (demonstration of accommodations off campus for less cost does not meet the criteria for extreme need).
  • A medical condition demonstrated by a case history and verified by a physician’s letter, which cannot be accommodated in the residence halls.
  • Enrollment delayed by three or more years beyond high school graduation.
  • Students who are from the Helena area (30 miles or closer) and will live at home with their parents or guardians can also qualify for an exception to the Housing and Meal Requirement.
  • The student is married and/or parenting a dependent child(ren).

If you believe you may qualify for an exception from the housing policy because of one of the above criteria, you must apply for consideration of the exception in writing to the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing, including supporting documentation, by the deadline published.


Student IDs double as room keys in all residence halls and apartments. Students are responsible for their IDs at all times, and are responsible for reporting lost or stolen IDs to Student Life as soon as possible to avoid any unauthorized use or access by others. Students are not allowed to disable their room locks or prevent their door from locking. Lost IDs cost $15 to replace.


The laundry facilities are shared among the residents of the building. Clothing items left longer than 7 days will be removed from the laundry room and placed in the lost and found. Unclaimed items will be disposed of after 90 days.


Students residing in any of the residence halls provide their own blankets, sheets, towels, pillows, and bedspreads.


Residents are expected to keep track of their ID card at all times. All on-campus students are allotted 2 “free” lock-outs per year. After that, each lockout will result in a fee of $10 being assessed to the student’s account.

At no time will Residential Life & Housing staff open a room for someone not living in that room, so students are encouraged to take all personal items with them after visiting a friend.


Due to the limited space in the residence hall rooms, free-standing lofts are allowed. Some beds are “bunkable,” and therefore do not need a loft. Lofts and all lofting materials must be approved by Residential Life & Housing staff, and must not incorporate or damage existing furniture or walls in the room. All loft materials must be removed from the room at the end of the academic year, and will not be stored by the college.


When maintenance is needed, the resident will inform the RA who will complete a maintenance work order. Comments concerning maintenance or custodial services should be reported immediately to the Area Coordinator.

Meal Plans

All students residing on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. Special dietary needs should be directed to the food service manager. The Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing may grant exceptions to this policy based on one of the following criteria:

  • Extreme financial need; verified by the college Financial Aid Office.
  • A medical condition demonstrated by a case history and verified by a physician’s letter, which cannot be accommodated by Carroll College Dining Services; verified by the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

If you believe you may qualify for an exception from the meal plan requirement because of one of the above criteria, you must apply for consideration of the exception in writing to the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing, and provide relevant supporting documentation, by the end of the first week of each semester.

Personal Property

The College is not responsible for a resident’s personal property. Private property must be stored in the student’s room. In order to avoid theft, loss, or damage, students are encouraged to keep doors locked and to avoid leaving money or expensive items in plain view. Each student is encouraged to have renter’s insurance. Many parents’ homeowners’ insurance will cover student loss or can be adjusted to do so. Students are also encouraged to keep a written personal inventory with serial numbers. Any theft or loss should be reported to the Area Coordinator and may be reported to the police.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. daily. The week prior to Final Exams and the week of Final Exams, quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day. During quiet hours, students should avoid loud talking, loud volume for music, television or video games, or disturbances in the hallways, bathrooms, common lounges and student rooms.

Renters Insurance

Regardless of whether you live in on-campus housing or in off-campus housing, your landlord’s insurance never covers the damage or loss of your personal belongings. The replacement of the item(s) is your responsibility and not the responsibility of the college’s insurer or your landlord’s insurer.

A student who lives in on-campus housing may be covered under his or her parent’s renters or homeowners insurance after paying the deductible. Check with your parent’s insurer to see if your belongings would be covered at college. It is important to note that both renters and home policies usually have a cap on the amount of off-premises coverage. Typically, a student who lives off-campus is not eligible for coverage from a parent’s insurance policy necessitating the purchase of renters insurance. Given the replacement cost of electronics, computers, furniture, bicycles, clothing and textbooks, renters insurance may be worthwhile.

Right of Entry

The college reserves the right to enter any student room by Residential Life & Housing staff or other agents of the college (including Security) in the event of an emergency, for reasons of health and safety, to uphold community standards, and for normal maintenance. This includes entry to promote health and safety, to ensure compliance with the Code of Student Conduct including Carroll College alcohol and drug policies, and any other action that does not comply with federal, state, or local laws. Failure to comply with requests made by College officials in pursuit of their responsibilities subjects an individual to disciplinary action ranging from a fine to review of status of enrollment. Entry can also be made for inspection or inventory of necessary repairs to rooms, furnishings, or equipment. Safety and security checks are made of all rooms during the scheduled breaks of the academic year.

Room Changes

Students who have reserved specific rooms or have been assigned rooms will be expected to reside in that room. Room change requests may be made three weeks after the check in date. The college reserves the right to make room changes prior to and during occupancy for the good of the resident or residence community.

Room Consolidation

To better utilize the college’s spaces or to fill empty beds in partially occupied rooms, the college reserves the right to consolidate residents. Students will be notified of room consolidation in advance.

Room Furnishings

Items students are encouraged to consider bringing to campus for their room in campus housing include: poster and poster putty (no tape allowed on walls); photos; lamps; reading lights; alarms clock; stereo, radio and headphones; computer and printer; small microwave; electric fan; small refrigerator (4.5 cubic feet or smaller); surge protector; fish; cleaning supplies; area rug; chair; bedding (sheets, blankets, comforter and pillow); toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, razors, hair dryer, shower shoes, shower caddy, first aid supplies); towels and wash cloths; laundry supplies (laundry bag, detergent, dryer sheets); room supplies (hangers, stacking bins, extra light bulbs, coffee mug, can opener, paper towels); school supplies (calculator, dictionary, paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, ruler, tape, scissors, tape, backpack); stamps; copy of medical records and insurance card; prescription medications; passport, driver’s license or copy of birth certificate.

Items students are not allowed to have in campus housing include: toaster ovens, hot plates, electric skillets, oil corn poppers, space heaters, candles, extension cords, fuel (camp stove or otherwise), camp stoves, incense and burners, firearms and ammunition (includes air soft and pellet guns), paintball guns, hunting knives, collectable or decorative weapons, waterbeds, air conditioners, duct tape (hard to remove from walls), alcohol posters, alcohol signs, empty alcohol containers, drug paraphernalia, hookahs, pipes, e-cigarettes, vaporizers, subwoofers and pets other than fish. Prohibited items will be confiscated by the college and disposed.


Carroll College strives to provide a safe and secure environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. While instances of criminal activity on campus are rare, the college is not immune to crime and cannot assure or guarantee a crime-free living or working environment. Therefore, the college promotes a proactive approach to safety. The members of the campus community are expected to actively participate in making the college a safe and healthy living/learning environment and to act in a safety-conscious manner and are required to avoid actions that would jeopardize their own security as well as the security of others or the campus.

The college benefits from a community whose members truly care about one another. By watching and remaining alert to our surroundings, we can work to maintain a safe environment and identify dangerous and unsafe practices or facilities.

The college is not liable for students’ injuries that are a direct result of personal negligence in college residence halls, buildings, or grounds. Any pranks, jokes, or tricks that are a threat to safety or property will be treated as a serious disciplinary matter. Carroll College community members are encouraged to report problems, safety issues, security issues, crimes, or suspected criminal behavior to the college. The best method to contact the Residential Life & Housing On-Call Senior Staff is to dial (406) 459-0540. The security patrol officer from Securitas can also be contacted directly 24/7 when school is in session, and weekends and breaks between 3 p.m. and 7 a.m., seven days a week, at (406) 461-7761.

All crimes are reported to the police, who will send an officer to take a formal statement. If a culprit is found, that person will not only be held accountable by law enforcement officials, but will face sanctions from the college as well.

Screens and Windows

Students may not remove screens from windows. Residents are responsible for their screens. Removed or damaged screens will result in a $25 fine in addition to the cost of repair or replacement.

Misuse of windows in the residence halls is prohibited. No objects or fluids may be thrown or dropped from the window of a residence hall. Using a window as an exit or entrance to the building will result in disciplinary action and transgressions may be subject to fines.

In St. Charles Hall, the top window may not be opened at any time because opening often causes damage. Residents will be assessed the cost of needed repairs.


Signs that are the property of the federal, state, or local government, or which belong to the college or local businesses may not be posted in student rooms. Students who are found in possession of such signs will be reported to the proper authorities, including the College, police, or business owners.

Skateboards, In-Line Skates, Scooters, and Bicycles

All individuals using skateboards, in-line skates, scooters and bicycles are expected to use the equipment in a manner which is appropriate, considerate of others and of College property. The use of skateboards, in-line skates, scooters and bicycles inside of campus buildings, including the residence areas, is strictly prohibited. In addition, individuals are prohibited from engaging in tricks (sliding, grinding, jumps, etc.) anywhere on College grounds which involve any College property (i.e. stairs, steps, railings, benches, entrances to buildings). Loitering or “sessioning” in these areas for the purpose of attempting tricks or stunts is strictly prohibited and will be confronted with by college staff and/or law enforcement.


Authorization must be obtained from the Associate Director of Residential Life & Housing or an Area Coordinator for all groups or individuals soliciting in residence halls.

Staff Requests

Students must comply with the reasonable directions of College officials, including but not limited to Resident Assistants (RAs), Security Officers, and Residential Life & Housing Senior Staff, during the performance of their duties and identify themselves to these persons when requested to do so.


The college will not store any personal property for residents. Storage units are available for rent off-campus. A list of companies providing storage can be obtained from the phone book.

Tobacco-Free Campus

The use of tobacco and tobacco-related products including but not limited to lighted or unlighted cigarette, electronic cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidi, clove cigarette, smokeless or spit tobacco, dissolvable tobacco, hookah shisha, snuff or snus, kreteks, and cigarillos, by students, faculty, staff and visitors is prohibited in or on property owned, leased, or used for specific events by the college or any of its components. Rooms with evidence of tobacco use will be assessed additional cleaning fees. Ceremonial use of tobacco in or on property owned, leased, or used for specific events by Carroll College must be approved prior to the event by the appropriate college Vice President or Cabinet member.

TV Antennas and Cable

TV antennas, cables, and other apparatus cannot be hung out the windows or affixed to the outside of the building. Tapping of cable TV lines is considered “theft of service” and is illegal.


In the residence halls, vandalism is defined as any damage to property, furnishings, furniture, elevators, or any additional/unnecessary messes beyond what is expected with normal use of the facilities (for example, smashed fruit in the hallway is considered vandalism). Vandalism, including activities that require additional clean-up by the custodial staff, will be charged to the hall, floor, or individuals responsible.


Except as provided in this policy, employees, students and visitors are prohibited from possessing or carrying firearms, explosives, and other dangerous or illegal weapons (“Prohibited Weapons”) on or within any Carroll College campus or building, regardless of whether the employee, student or visitor has a permit to carry a firearm. “Dangerous or illegal weapons” include any instrument of offensive or defensive combat; anything used, or designed to be used, in destroying, defeating, or injuring a person; an instrument designed or likely to produce bodily harm; or an instrument whose use will likely result in a serious or fatal wound. “Dangerous or illegal weapons” may include, but are not limited to, the following: any firearm; slingshot; cross-knuckles; knuckles of lead, brass or other metal; any bowie knife, dirk, dagger or similar knife; any knife having the appearance of a pocket knife, the blade of which can be opened by a flick of a button, pressure on the handle, or other mechanical device; and any hunting bows. A harmless instrumentality designed to look like a firearm, explosive, or other dangerous or illegal weapon and which is used by or is in the possession of a person with the intent to cause fear in or assault to another person is expressly included within the meaning of a Prohibited Weapon.

This policy does not prohibit students from transporting an unloaded firearm or hunting bow directly between a parking area and the authorized location for checking in, checking out and storing firearms and hunting bows in accordance with the Weapon, Check-in/Check-out Procedure described in the College Policies section of this handbook. Handguns are not allowed on the Carroll College campus and will not be stored in Weapons Storage. This policy also does not apply to licensed law enforcement officers when on duty and performing public safety duties at the College.