2021-2022 Student Handbook

Residential Life Standards

Carroll College is committed to being a uniquely engaged residential learning community. Living in community is an important and vital aspect to education at Carroll College, and as a result of this philosophy Carroll students are expected to live on campus. It is part of the “Carroll Experience” that is unique. By living together with other students, each student has an opportunity to become more engaged with college life, an aspect that can increase success and satisfaction with your education. National studies support on-campus living contributing to greater overall satisfaction with education, better access to college resources, improved academic performance, and more participation in campus activities. The education of students is significantly enhanced by the connection of learning in and out of the classroom.

Residential Life & Housing is committed to:

  • Creating a safe and healthy living and learning environment.
  • Creating and sustaining an atmosphere of experiential learning that challenges and supports the development of intellectual, interpersonal, physical, psychological, and faith formation of students.
  • Creating residence hall communities that reflect the values and mission of that college.

Residents should be able to expect the following in campus housing:

  1. Respect for privacy, quiet, and sleep needs;
  2. Respect for personal property and possessions;
  3. A positive atmosphere that discourages destructive criticism of persons, gossip, and harassment;
  4. An acceptance of the differences that make each person a unique individual;
  5. Honesty from others;
  6. Courtesy from others; and
  7. The right to expect a safe, clean and orderly room or living area.
  8. Reside in their assigned room.

By signing a housing contract with Carroll College, a student indicates a desire to live in community as part of their educational experience. Despite the fact that the student retains personal control over his/her room, it is understood that this is a privilege granted by the college, and that with it go certain responsibilities to roommates, hall mates and others in campus housing. These responsibilities are an integral part of residence hall living and must be taken seriously. Keep in mind that living in community requires concern and respect for the rights and requests of others.