2021-2022 Student Handbook

Student Employment, Discipline Appeals

In keeping with the Mission Statement of Carroll College, an individual who believes he/she has been disciplined or terminated beyond job-related reasons, every effort should be made to resolve problems, whenever possible, on an informal basis outside the formal grievance procedure. For advice on how to resolve the situation informally, the individual may contact the Dean of Students and Retention, the Director of Human Resources, or the Counseling Center.

If the student is unable to resolve the grievance informally, the student may file a grievance with the offending party’s supervisor (if a Carroll employee), or the appropriate vice president. The grievance should be in writing and describe the nature of the problem, the specific reasons for the student’s dissatisfaction, and the student’s desired solution. In addition, the student should submit a list of names of the person(s) who have knowledge about the grievance and copies of any relevant documents. The grievance should be filed as soon as possible after the incident or action occurs. Early reporting is encouraged because the college’s ability to investigate an act or report diminishes with time.

All grievances must be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources who will consult with the offending party’s supervisor or vice president regarding the appropriateness of the discipline/termination decision. The final decision regarding the outcome of the grievance lies with the direct supervisor or appropriate vice president.

The direct supervisor/vice president’s decision will be communicated to the parties involved. If determined necessary, the college will then take a prompt and effective remedial action. The action must be commensurate with the severity of the offense and be made known to the student.