2021-2022 Student Handbook

Intra-Campus Mail Policy

Intra-campus mail services are provided to Carroll College students, faculty, and staff to further the educational goals of the college, increase productivity, and ensure better communication regarding college matters. As such, Carroll’s campus mail services are to be used primarily for legitimate and substantial educational and administrative business purposes. Faculty, staff, and students are expected to use the intra-campus mail privilege in a manner consistent with all applicable college policies. For example, campus mail may not be used to send sexually-explicit messages, cartoons, or jokes; ethnic or racial slurs; threatening or defamatory messages; or messages that harass or discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability.

Personal use of employee lists and routing personal mail through Carroll mail services is not permitted. Intra-campus mail may not be used for profit-making ventures, solicitations, or on behalf of external organizations.

Mail sent through the intra-campus mail system should be opened and read only by the person to whom it is addressed, except when there is a business need for another Carroll employee to open or read the mail. Examples of circumstances in which such a business need exists include the following:

  1. The recipient is no longer employed at Carroll or is unexpectedly absent from work;
  2. The recipient has authorized another employee to open his or her mail;
  3. No other means can be used to determine the recipient;
  4. The material is reasonably believed to be in violation of the Intra-Campus Mail Policy or other Carroll policy, as determined by the President in consultation with legal counsel;
  5. The President determines there is a business need to open the mail after consultation with legal counsel.

Although Carroll mail services also process mail through the United States Postal Service, UPS, and Fed Ex, this policy is applicable only to intra-campus mail.