2021-2022 Student Handbook


Carroll College believes that a reasonably safe and enjoyable environment for the college community can be maintained by each community member practicing prudent measures to ensure personal protection and safety. In addition, Residential Life & Housing staff, Campus Safety & Security, Securitas staff and Facilities staff in conjunction with the Helena Police Department can assist further with safety and security. The persons and property of Carroll College need protection from fire, theft, intrusion, and other unlawful acts that disturb the peace or which place life or property in jeopardy. Promoting safety and calling members of the community to a code of conduct further ensures the tranquility of the campus.

Personal safety is an important issue both on and off campus. The following safety guidelines will help Carroll College community members:

  1. The use of seat belts—every trip, every time—keeps the driver at the wheel to retain control of the vehicle in case of collision or rollover. Buckle up!
  2. Always lock your door when you are sleeping or are away from your room. Know who is at the door before you unlock your door.
  3. Do not leave valuables (like your purse, wallet, checkbook or jewelry) in open view. Take care of your keys. Do not give them to others or allow anyone the opportunity to duplicate them.
  4. Be aware of strangers, including door-to-door solicitors. If you see a solicitor (or any suspicious person) contact Campus Safety & Security or Residential Life & Housing staff. Promptly report to Securitas by dialing 406-461-7611 or the Helena Police Department by dialing 406-457-8866 helps deter criminal activity.
  5. When walking, plan the safest route to your destination and use it. Choose well-lighted, busy pathways or streets and avoid wooded paths, alleys, vacant lots or construction sites. Take a longer way if it is the safest route. Avoid walking alone at night, especially when off-campus. Walk facing traffic, so you can see approaching cars.
  6. Know your neighborhood and the campus. Find out which buildings are open late (or early) and where you can go to summon help if needed. Students should be careful not to be alone in college buildings late at night.
  7. Do not flaunt expensive jewelry, clothing or cash, especially in off-campus areas.
  8. Keep your car or room/house key in hand and ready as you approach your car or hall/home.
  9. Carry emergency funds for cab fare.
  10. Do not overburden yourself with packages and groceries that make it hard to react.
  11. When walking, if you suspect you are being followed by someone, cross the street and head for the nearest well-lighted population area. Walk quickly or run to a phone, residence hall, occupied building, or house and call the police (911).