2021-2022 Student Handbook


Statement of No Tolerance for Drug Activity

Carroll College does not tolerate the illegal use of drugs, narcotics or paraphernalia. This includes the legalized amounts of marijuana, and illegal or misuse of prescription drugs. The college considers the use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of illegal drugs, narcotics or paraphernalia as detrimental to the welfare of the individual and to the health, security and safety of the Carroll community. The college has a responsibility to maintain a safe and secure environment for students to pursue their educational goals free from the use or presence of illegal drugs. Additionally, federal and state drug abuse control laws are applicable to all members of the campus community. Violators of the college’s drug policy will be encouraged to seek professional help and their enrollment at Carroll College may be terminated.

College Regulations

  1. All students must comply with federal, state and city laws and Carroll College policy concerning the use, possession, manufacture, distribution or sale of drugs.
  2. Possession or use of marijuana, or other illegal drugs or narcotics, are unacceptable behaviors.
  3. Attendance at a gathering where marijuana, illegal drugs or narcotics are being used is a violation of college policy.
  4. Carroll College prohibits any possession or use of drug paraphernalia such as bongs, pipes, vaporizers and other e-devices, or blow tubes on the college campus.
  5. Visitors to Carroll College must comply with applicable laws and college policy regarding the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of drugs. Responsibility for the behavior of guests rests with the resident host(s).
  6. The non-medical use of prescription drugs is not allowed on campus. Students’ use of these drugs inappropriately such as to “get high,” cram for exams, or to enhance sports performance is a violation of this policy. For more information and guidelines, please see the Prescriptions policy.
  7. Carroll College prohibits use of drugs in its vans, buses, and other College vehicles.
  8. The smell of marijuana in campus housing is disruptive to other residents living in community and prohibited by the college. College staff will confront rooms with the smell of marijuana and hold residents responsible.


  1. A student who is distributing, selling or manufacturing illegal drugs or narcotics may be subject to immediate dismissal without rebate or academic credit. Any information that comes to the attention of college authorities in regard to the trafficking of drugs will be communicated to law enforcement.
  2. A student who uses or possesses illegal drugs, narcotics or drug paraphernalia or disrupts any segment of the campus community as a result of drug use is subject to disciplinary actions as specified in the Carroll Code. Disciplinary actions include $150 fine for first violation, chemical use education required and chemical use screening possible. Subsequent violations will result in review of status as a Carroll College student.
  3. A student who is experiencing health issues associated with the use of drugs may be suspended from Carroll and required to undergo professional evaluation and treatment prior to reapplying for admission to complete their education.